Chapter 53

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Rain POV

" so basically you don't want me to hang around them because it makes you uncomfortable." Mark sighed. " is it them or is it him."

" it is not the fact that I don't want you to hang around them but inviting them on our trip was just too much." I explained. "I know you weren't paying attention because you were so wrapped up in them. It was really uncomfortable for me." I expressed.

" I told you to not cut them off because we always had plans to come back home. You can't just get to treat people a certain type of way and then want them to not feel a type away." He sighed. " it is plenty of times that you saw me on the phone or FaceTime with one of them and I told you to speak and you didn't want to speak. You are not dealing with your problems you are hiding from them."

" I am not hiding from anything. I just don't like to be an uncomfortable situations."

" baby you knew them before. It's not that hard to get to know them they are cool ass people. You made it awkward. You wanted to go your way to separate yourself from them and now that you're separated from them now it's too awkward for you and now you want me to separate from them."

" I am about to be your wife."

" don't throw that in my face, I will not throw away my friends who were your friends first because you can't deal with the feelings that you still have for your ex-boyfriend." He snapped. " you are right you are about to be my wife but you are still in love with another man. why did you do all of this? Why do you keep separating yourself from people that you know you want to be around? If we are being honest most of the shit that you go through is your fault. You are dramatic as fuck and you make everything bigger than what it has to be."

" I am not dramatic and you cannot tell me not to react I wanna react when somebody does something to me."

" yes you are dramatic, all that shit that you went through with Chris is in your head. You can't name one story where he treated you like shit or he drug you gonna do. You tell me stuff where he is thinking logically but you want him to think a certain type of way but because he doesn't think that way you are upset and you make the situation bigger than it has to be."

" you don't know anything about that!"

" yes I do... Yes the fuck I do because you tell me every three fucking weeks. You tell me that you hate this guy so much. You are just trying to convince yourself. He did nothing wrong to you. You told me yourself you didn't wanna to chat with him because of the way he lives. That is understandable but for you to sit back and let him take all the blame while you head in the closet it makes me look at you differently. So I wish you would stop telling me that story. Are a true Aries woman." He scoffed.

" he hurt me and now you are trying to say it's my fault."

" no he did hurt you, but it's because instead of him saying oh baby I want you to keep the baby just for you to say we are not ready for a baby. He said we're not ready for a baby first. I'm pretty sure that did hurt your feelings."

" stop talking to me." I walked away from him and he sighed loudly, in aggravation.

" baby what are you arguing for, we never argue. They are my friends, they called me, they checked up on me when I needed it most. We had plenty of hours long conversation where just sat on the phone just chopping it up. You know why I am friends with them because that is the same reason why you were friends with them. They are good people."

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