Chapter 60

681 35 5

Chris POV

I woke up and panic not feeling Jaz in the bed anymore. I hopped up.

"Jaz!" I walked in the bathroom and she wasn't in there.

I walked in the kitchen and she wasn't in there and I walked in the room and her and Nijay cuddled up, sleep on the couch. Nijay still had her jacket on so I was guessing she came in not to long ago.

I decided to get myself together. I brushed my teeth and just did my everyday shit.

I need to get my hair cut. I been looking rough lately. We supposed to be going on this little get away in about 3 days. I kept putting it off. I been busy lately, getting to the money.

"Good morning." I said walking in the living room and Nijay laid there on her phone.

"Good morning." I took her phone and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't wake up and get straight on your phone baby." I sat her phone on the counter. "What time you come in?"

"Like 4, Keyah and her friends are too much. Like they don't get tired. I am glad I drove myself, first of all when we got to the performance and we got invited to a party, then a after party, then the hotel party. Like what the hell they think this is, I came here and she was up and we watched pj mask til she fell asleep." She looked at Jaz. "I love her so much."

"She loves you too."

"She sobered my ass right up, she walked out the room and jumped right into adult mood." She laughed. "What if you stop talking to me and I can't speak to her anymore." I watched her and she started crying.

She does the same shit everytime. She stresses herself about stuff like this. I don't understand it.

"Baby, I will never do that to you. She loves you too much. We love you too much." I pulled her over the couch and into my arms and she cried. "Stop thinking like that, why do you make yourself sad?"

"I don't know."

"I am not going to leave you. You means so much to me Nijay. Please stop thinking like that. Why do you think I am going to leave you?"

"I don't know." I pulled her back and wiped her face. "I don't know, I just don't want you to get tired of me and leave me."

"I can promise, we are five years in and you still make me feel how I felt when we first FaceTimed." She laughed. "Stop doing that Nijay."

"I know." She shrugged and i wiped her fresh tears. "Too bad you are not my man, I would fuck the shit out of you right now." I couldn't stop the smirk that jumped on my face.

"I am your man."

"Mmm no, you asking or telling?" She

"I am asking." She cringed. "Telling?"

"Yeah try again another time." She pick up Jaz and took her in the back.


"Uncle Dee?" I asked.

"Yes." He nodded. "Auntie Bia."

"Okay." I called Bahia.

"Yo? Yo? Yo. Hoe?"

"Stop yelling."

"You called my phone, I answered how I want." She snapped. "What you want?"

"Your niece wants to see you and your nigga."

"Okay bring her over." She hung up.

What the fuck? This hoe tripping.

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