Chapter 28

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Chris POV

"That is not my fucking baby, so stop calling me." I snapped, "you played me and you put me through all that shit! You lied to me!"

"You lied to me too! You put me through shit too! I just really need you right now! You said you would always be there for me!"

"Yeah well the same way you went back on your word is the same way I will. I am done I been told you that. Stop calling from all these different numbers, you still gone get blocked. Call your baby daddy, stop calling me."

"That is not funny! You know he is dead."

"Oh I forgot."

"You didn't forget shit, you always trying to be funny."

I knocked on Rains door.

"I am not trying to be funny." I heard the locks and smiled when Rain opened the door just for her to roll her eyes. "Listen miyomi, stop calling me please."

"Chris do not hang up! I am tryna to have a conversation with you."

Rain flopped down on the couch and closed her eyes and I just sat beside her.

I gotta give her her thirty, I am guessing.

"Listen I don't have anything to say to you and that is what you are not understanding."

"But Chris we have been through so much together and you are okay with just leaving that easy."

"Yes." I hung up and Rain looked at me. "She was calling about some bullshit again."

"You should go talk to her."

"What? That's dumb as fuck."

"Well if you gone keep sitting around having hour long conversations with her about the same shit you mines well." She laughed sarcastically. "Everytime she calls you just to try and work shit out and you give her the impression that there is still a fucking chance. So she keeps calling hopping that she says the right thing this time so you can take her back. When you answer and you hear her voice, next time just hang up of the rip. Instead of sitting on the phone for a hour telling how much she hurt you and how she lied and there is nothing to talk about. Obviously there's something to talk about if you continue to talk to her."


" you can't act like she is crazy when you make her feel like there's still a chance. You make me believe that you ever had a chance when you told me you didn't even care about the bitch. Like at all. You shouldn't care if she lied to you. You shouldn't care if she was fucking another person because so was you. Your lie to each other but you still act like this situation just broke your heart. Walking around all depressed and shit did you care about her?"

"No I-"

" then why are you acting like you did?"

"I just- I don't know." I shrugged.

" if you like her it's okay, if you loved her it's okay."

But I didn't it like her or I didn't it love her. But it did hurt to find out that I was taking care of her most of her pregnancy just for it not to be mine. The thought of having a child did grow on me. I became excited about it but when the rug was pulled from under me yes I was a little salty.

" I don't like her And I damn sure don't love her. I loved the child that was growing in her body that I thought it was mine, yes I did."

"See don't that feel better..." she got up and walked in her room.

She swear she know me. With her little mad ass.


"What's up bro" I opened the door Bahia stood there.

"What's up?"

"What you do to her?" She laughed and I shrugged.

"I ain't do shit to her, why you say that?"

"Because she in her feelings and shit. Talking about you don't love her."

"What I never said that." I rolled my eyes. "She is the one not speaking to me because she hurt her own feel trying investigate."

"What she caught you talking to somebody else?"

"No I ain't texting nobody, she asked if I care about Miyomi and I said no but I was excited about the baby after a while." She nodded, waiting for me to continue. "That's all."

"The fuck? What her emotional ass got going on." She sighed and walked to the room.


Rain POV

"I don't care what he has to say!" I cried. "If he want to be with her he is free to go do that. He is still single anyway."

"Rain relax, it is not that serious. He doesn't like her or want her, he has said that. Why are you getting yourself upset? What is going on?" She rubbed my back. "I hate to ask but Are you pregnant?"

"No, I am just sad. Just because I am sad..." I cried harder. "Doesn't mean I am pregnant."

"Is your period coming? Mines is coming so I know yours is coming. That is probably it."

"No the problem is he is in love with her and I see it and he doesn't." The door opened and I rolled my eyes at the sight of his stupid ass. "Get out of my room."

"Rain what is the problem baby? I don't like her or love her or none of that crazy shit going through your head."

"You are a liar."

"Why would I lie to you and I love you? That doesn't make sense, I have never lied to you about shit, you are my world I have nothing to hide from you. I would tell you the truth no matter what? I can bet my bottom dollar."

"I don't wanna talk to you." I crossed my arms. "You make me sick... you are the scum between my toes..." he laughed and I bit the corner of my lip trying not to laugh.

"You need some damn help you bipolar hoe."

"I feel better." They shot eachother a look. "I needed that cry... now I am hungry and I am sleepy." I stood up and left them in the room

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