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Chris POV

I don't know what the mission was of today, but this shit is taking a left.

" shut the fuck up this has nothing to do with you, I don't even know why you're here. Don't no body here like you, you have been doing weird shit since like three nights after you got here. If you don't like us, don't be around us mind your fucking business."

" well I invited her for moral support because she has been my only friend a here." Bahia sighed.

" well, tell her to shut the fuck up."

"Just relax Mag." Tom'e motion for her to stop.

" I just don't like how everybody is attacking her. It's not about-

" no one was attacking her until you change the energy of the room. You started all of this hype ass shit. They were having a regular fucking mature conversation and you wanted to add this energy in the air and now that they are reciprocating. Everyone wants to play the blame game. You weren't here... Neither of us was but we both got cut off to right, all right so shut up and sit back and relax. The only thing y'all having coming is sitting around talking shit about people. Let her deal with her issues, she made the bed let her lay in that shit." I sighed.

"Whatever." She waved him off. "I am surprised Chrissy is not here."

" Girl... This is not about you. Stop trying to make it about you. Because that's what you're doing, you want attention and you're trying to take her attention and her floor and make it about you. Shut the fuck up." Malik waved her off. " we are ignoring the fucking bozo over there... Bahia finish what you were saying."

" i brought the abortion was because that's where it all started. I just feel like now it's time to start being truthful about it. This argument ain't gone break or make shit unless we allowed to. We are adults. We can have a fucking conversation. Feelings are going to be hurt because feelings are already hurt. As far as the abortion, let's cut this short... You wanted it, so you got it. Because a bitch like me, I don't believe in abortions and is nothing absolutely nothing this nigga right here can tell me or do to make me get one. Either he gone step up or I'm gonna step my fucking cookies up times two for my fucking child. But I know I ain't fucking with a lame ass nigga that's going on leave me and my kid out to rot and die. You should've knew that about Chris. He never gave you that impression that he was that type of dude. The thing is you didn't want the baby, I told you when he said that you could keep the baby and you guys will work on bettering your situation to prepare for when the baby comes... I told you to keep the baby. What did you say?"

" that was almost 6 years ago I don't know."

" OK well let me refresh your memory... You said there is no point now because neither of you are fit to be parents. Am I wrong?"

" Hold up... 'Cause I have to put in that decision was probably one of the best decisions that you made for yourself. There's nothing wrong with the decision that you made. Let's make that clear. We're not gonna shame you for having an abortion. You weren't ready he wasn't either." Nijay hopped. " because I definitely feel like this conversation is taking a turn as if we are judging-"

" i understand how it sounds but I am not judging her. I'm just stating the facts." Bahia paused and Nijay nodded. " you did what you had to do for your life. All I am saying is just don't lie about it. And then play victim. I don't like how you are a manipulative in that sense. And as for me being friends with Nijay, they both know that I wasn't cool with her at first. I kept my distance. It was always respect between us. We were just cordial. I am not gonna hate the girl because the both of you moved on in life especially when you left me out to fucking die. You didn't give a fuck about what was going on in my life if I was living and breathing."

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