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Chris POV

"Brodie." I dapped Q up.

He asked for my help to set something up for Rain. I guess they on bad terms and he wanted to do something nice for her so her asked me to pick him up.

"What's up man?" I hugged him.

"I am glad you made it safe." He patted my back.

"No doubt thank you for this, I would ask Dee but he ain't fucking with Rain right now, which i understand. E he doing his own thing per usual. Oh congratulations boy!" He fake punched me and I laughed.

"Thank you." He nodded and we hopped in my car. "This shit is chilling, I get more nervous everyday but she makes it better. She tries her best to control her hormones and shit, the most she do is cry or wake me up to go get food in the middle of the night." I shrugged. "She is still her nice and sweet self so far. She is more obsessed and attached now, the doctor said it would be opposite most like. She said when she was pregnant she was disgusted with her husband."

"They have a higher fear of abandonment, they are more vulnerable, emotionally, physically, mentally and in most cases financially. Plus y'all sexual exchanges are deeper now, she love you man." I nodded. "She just need your energy around. She feels safer like that."

"Yeah, that is great man. I didn't know that." He nodded. "So what is the plans?"

"Just coming home a day early is o show her I love her. I was thinking like just get her a nice gift and flowers..." he sighed. "I don't know man, I called her out her name and shit so I shitknow if she would forgive me for that?"

"You call her a Bitch? She might whoop your ass but y'all will be cool after that just don't let it happen again."


"A hoe" he shook his head. "A slut? Whore? Thot? Cunt? Pussy?" He shook his head.

"I called her stupid." I bust out laughing.

"She should be over that shit. It depends though, was she doing something stupid?" He laughed

"I could've use better words though. I just snapped and it's like i feel like I did too much."

"Well if you feel like you did too much you probably did. Because you stepped out side yourself. You are not like that... you are a lover not a fighter. Sometimes you do have to give people that side. You are like soft as fuck." He laughed. "It a gift and a curse, you'll make a great father." He nodded.

"Thank you."


Rain POV

"Maggie this isn't funny or cool. I am freaking the fuck out."

"Why would you spend the night though?" She laughed. "that is just digging a deeper hole, cuddling and shit was way too much." She sighed.

"I should have never did at all." I hopped on the elevator and Nijay slipped on.

She just stayed on her phone the whole time.

"Congratulations." She looked at me and back down at her phone.

"Who are you talking to?" Maggie asked.

"Your sister came to my place." She still ignored me.

I just stopped talking because I was just talking because I was uncomfortable.

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