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"Yes?" I say, confused. "Do you know him?"

"Don't you?" she asks, amazed.

I think for a moment, but I am sure that I haven't met him before.

"I don't think so. How do you know him?"

"Everyone knows him! He's quite famous!" Impa sounds more excited than she was when she got her acceptance letter.

"He is?" I ask casually and continue to eat. I hope she tells me more about him without me having to ask questions. I don't want her to think I actually want to know more.

"I can't believe you got to sit next to Link and didn't even try to talk to him!"

"It's not like he wanted to talk to me either. He doesn't seem very social."

"He doesn't talk to anyone, but his games are incredible!"

"What sport does he play?" I ask, trying not to sound too curious.

"What sport doesn't he play? He plays a lot of different sports, that's what he's famous for. He's most known for his fencing career though; when he was still a child he could beat adults in duels!"

That's actually really impressive, but I act like I don't care about him, so Impa continues to praise him.

"Then he picked up Tennis and Snowboarding, he even got an offer for a full-ride baseball scholarship at another school, but he declined it to play soccer at HU. He's our new striker."

"You sure know a lot about him. Isn't it unhealthy to play this many sports?"

"For any normal person, yes, but Link is among the top 5 athletes in the country!"

"And among the top 5 smelliest," I add and Impa just smirks at me.

"You're so going to fall for him."

"Yeah right."

"Half the school is in love with him. Boys included."

"Perfect, they can have him all for themselves, because all I want is an empty seat next to me."

She finally drops the topic and makes fun of the theatre kids instead. One of them says 'Macbeth', causing the entire cast to gasp in shock and fear. It's a superstition that the name is cursed, leading to a chain of unfortunate events when said out loud. We both laugh quietly. The cake is very filling and I suddenly feel increasingly sleepy. Luckily, I only have one class left for today and it's by far my favorite; biology.

I enter the lab and wave at the girl sitting at my table. She smiles and waves back.

"Hey Zelda," she greets me as I sit down next to her.

"Hey Mipha, how are you today?"

"I can't complain, and you?"

"Doing good."

That is all we ever talk about, and I love it. We open our textbooks and wait for the class to start. I envy Mipha for her natural beauty. She is petite and soft-spoken and thinks that no one pays attention to her, but her burgundy ponytail and her hazel eyes make it nearly impossible not to see her. She may not notice it, but the guys in our class study her face and her body more than they study their books. I'm glad that it doesn't draw her attention and that she is fully focused on our project instead. Her smile is subtle but undying and I can't help but smile too.

Mipha usually dresses similarly to me, but today she is wearing leggings and a sports jacket in the colors of our school. Normally, I would keep my questions to myself, but I feel talkative today and ask her if she is an athlete at HU.

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