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"Zelda, where's your car?" are the words that wake me. I don't have to open my eyes to guess who's standing in front of the couch.

"I've missed you too, Riju," I mumble into the pillow.

"Your car isn't parked in the driveway, how did you get here?"

"I came home with Urbosa last night," I sit up, every muscle in agony. In front of me stands a beautiful girl with a long braid and a vast smile on her face.

"Can you call someone to pick us up then?" she asks.

"Pick us up? What for?"

"I want to go horseback riding with you, or wakeboarding, or--oh, we could go to the aquarium and look at the seals!"

"What time is it?" I tap my phone but it doesn't turn on. I forgot that I haven't charged it in pretty much two days. Have I really been away from home for that long?

"It's noon."

"What?" I jump up in a heartbeat. I've never slept in that late. "Do you have an iPhone charger?"


"Can I borrow it?"

"Only if we do something fun today."

"Sure," I sigh and give her a tired smile. It'll be fun to spend some time with her after all this time. I sort of see her as my little cousin.

Moments later Riju returns with a charger for my phone. When it turns on, the time says 6:46 AM."

"Didn't you say it's noon?" I look at her smug face.



"So you'd be up faster."

"You're evil."

"Evil is a substitute word the weak use for uncharitable genius. So when can we leave?"

"What's the hurry?" It's six in the morning, where does this child get the energy from?

"Urbosa is going to be back from her morning run soon. She wouldn't want me to go. So we have to leave before she comes back."

"I need some context," I rub my face and stretch my sore body.

"Mother passed away."

"Oh my... Riju..." I had no idea. "I'm... so sorry."

"I'm okay, it's been over a year. But she was the chief of our town and somehow they expect me to become a chief too now."

"Who is they?"

"Everyone. The town, my family. They said I should spend a few weeks at Urbosa's, since she has been a coach and a great leader all her life. But I just want to have fun every once in a while too, you know? I haven't hung out with my friends in forever. With you being here, this is my one shot at a day off from training."

I can't help but recognize myself in her desperate eyes. An unwanted destiny is being forced upon this young girl just like it was on me. Going against Urbosa's rules would be disrespectful and I'm not looking for any more family drama, however... Riju deserves to have a fun day like my beach day yesterday.

"You never told me about Urbosa's rules," I instruct her and her eyes light up. "I woke up early and asked you to hang out with me today. That way neither of us will get in trouble. Hopefully."

"Thanks Zelda!" Riju jumps into my arms. "But we still need a car."

"I know..." I say, opening iMessage on my phone to send a text.

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora