I Said No

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I wake up before Link. It's 8 AM and he is sound asleep. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I gently brush his hair out of his face, tempted to kiss his cheek. For once there are no bruises on his skin.

With every breath I inhale, butterflies dance in my tummy. Link is handsome, very handsome, but his big heart is what attracts me. Like the moon attracts the water, I am drawn to him. And now I realize how creepy it is that I am watching him in his sleep... I take his hand into mine and plant a soft kiss on his knuckles, waking him leisurely.

"I gotta go soon," I whisper into his ear.

He shakes his head and pulls me into a hug without opening his eyes. Even in the morning, half asleep, he is strong enough to keep me in place.

"You can stay in bed, Sleepyhead. But I have to make sure Father hasn't signed any adoption papers yet." I am scared to check my phone. The number of missed calls would only discourage me.

"Who are you calling Sleepyhead?" He groans and opens his eyes to look up at me. "I've already done my morning work out and showered while you were still dreaming about me. I'm technically just taking a nap right now."

"You have? I must have slept right through it."

"Mhm, I know it's hard to believe but I can be really quiet."

I free myself from his hug and get up. Having folded his hoodie and brushed my hair, I am ready to sneak out of the house. I hope none of Link's roommates are up yet.

"Stay in bed," I tell Link when he gets up with much effort.

"I drove you here, remember?" his raspy voice chuckles.

"Oh, right."

Now that he is up I notice that he is wearing a different t-shirt and sweatpants from last night. Did I really sleep though him leaving and coming back to bed? He grabs his keys and leaves the room first, making sure the hallways are empty. He grabs a banana from the kitchen on our way out and hands it to me when we reach the car.

"Breakfast is important," he says.

"What about you?"

"I had a protein shake earlier. I'll eat more when I'm back."

Link drives me back to the parking lot of Vah Rudania where my car is parked. He gets out with me to walk me to my car and waits for me to put my bag in the back. Unsure how to say goodbye after spending the night together I open the door to the driver's seat.

"I'm sorry that we have to postpone our date. Again," I say, looking at my trembling hands. "Today is going to be a challenge. I have to make things right with Impa and with Father." And with Pik, but he has to wait until Monday.

"You got your postcard?" he asks caring.

"It's in my bag."

The streets are so calm. The sky is free of clouds and the air is mild. It doesn't look like it but I feel a storm brewing. I guess my nerves are just taking over my senses. My chest is tight and nausea swirls up my throat every time I swallow.

"I can't do this..." I whisper. Link looks at me as if I have more to say but I don't.

"I think you are a lot tougher than you think."

I shake my head. "I don't think so."

"You stood up to Ganon for a girl that blackmails you."

"That wasn't tough. That was stupid."

"Definitely shouldn't do that again," he chuckles and shrugs. "Doesn't change my mind though. I believe in you."

My vision blurs, tears stain the asphalt. Why am I crying? I hug Link for a good minute. These aren't happy tears but they don't stem from sadness either. I am just overwhelmed. For months now I have been on a roller coaster of emotions. One moment I feel incredibly good, like last night, the next moment everything is falling apart and I find myself crying in a parking lot on a Saturday morning. I just want to feel okay for one day.

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