I Love You | Part 2

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As Revali and I walk to the superpipe, my mind keeps spinning and spinning until I feel nauseous. My best friend developed feelings for me... What? I still don't fully understand how Impa feels but I know that I don't want it to change anything about our friendship. I love her so much and don't ever want to lose her. She knows that. That's probably why she didn't tell me.

Revali hasn't said a single word to me. Awkwardly I try to start a conversation by mentioning how cold it is. No reaction... He's not even looking at me.

No small talk then. "I didn't know you were in the basement," I start, still no reaction. "I didn't even hear most of it. When I realized what you guys were talking about I left."

The only sound between my nervous breath is the crunching of snow beneath our boots. Not even a scoff from Revali...

"I'm sorry," I say honestly.


"Would you say something please? You weren't exactly a saint either," I remind him.

"Let's just forget about it," he sighs. "All of it."

I nod in agreement. "If that's what you want."

We pass through the town. All the lights are lit and the snow is falling so graciously, covering the trees and buildings with a soft white blanket. But somehow all the beauty around us doesn't touch my heart. 

"Revali, are you okay?" I ask carefully.

"What did we just agree on?" he snarls.

"I won't speak of it again. I just need to know that you are okay."

"I'm fine. Really. So just drop it."

"I just want you to know that you can always talk to me..."

"Are you my therapist?"

"No, I'm your friend."

I catch his eyes taking a glimpse at me but his lips remain sealed. No more words are exchanged between us until we reach the event. A good amount of people have gathered at the bottom of the superpipe. We join the crowd and search for Mipha. She is at the front, right by the steel barriers. We join her with a short "hey".

I'm prepared for an awkward two hours, but less than a minute later, Mipha starts to talk to us about this year's competing snowboarders. I'm surprised when Revali joins in on the conversation here and then, mostly to bad-mouth the riders.

"Australia, Japan, and Norway have become massive victors in superpipe riding," I catch the speakers say. "The US has fallen a little behind after dominating for so many years. This year we'll see if they can get their sweet gold back."

The competition has only now started and I already feel like I'm turning into a snowman. My teeth are chattering and my toes are curled up in my boots. I hope Impa is wearing my other boots, should she still be outside. Ideally she's sitting by the fire right now. I should call her.... No, I have to give her space. I wonder if I could have handled that situation better...

Sidon is the first to go. His jumps are high and just watching him spin makes me dizzy. I have never heard Mipha cheering so loudly. She is wearing a smile too big for her small head and her eyes are sparkling. She is in an awfully happy mood considering what happened only an hour ago.

I look over at Revali. He's not shooting deadly glares at anyone either, which is a good sign. He wasn't wrong when he said he could handle rejection. Sidon's score gets displayed on a large screen and when he passes us, he gives all of us a high five.

"There are three rounds," Mipha explains. "Usually your best round determines your final score, but this year they judge you by your overall performance. This creates a greater challenger for the riders because they can't perform the same trick twice and if they make a mistake it can really hurt their score."

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