Stay a Little Longer

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Paramedics arrive at the scene and rush across the baseball field. It's the first time I look up in I don't know how many minutes. Purah is here too, I'm not sure how long she has been here with us. I lost every sense of time, everything appears to be happening in slow motion but my mind is racing all the same. I don't understand what's going on, all I know is that Mipha hasn't stopped CPR and I haven't let go of Link's hand.

"They've arrived, thank you," Impa says into the phone and hangs up the call with the 911 call operator.

The arriving paramedics take a swift look around; the fighting has stopped and most eyes are on Link. Two paramedics focus on Link, one rushes over to help Karusa.

"How long have you been doing CPR?" One of the guys asks Mipha while they place a stretcher next to Link's body.

"For about 12 minutes," she cries, still going with all the strength she has left.

"Okay, we got it from here." The man kneels down next to Link, checks his condition, then looks back up at his colleague. "Unresponsive and pulseless."

What's left of my heart shatters into even smaller pieces, but as if trapped in the body of a statue, none of it shows on the outside. Mipha steps back, giving the two men the space to lift Link's body onto the stretcher.

"Ma'am, please let go of the victim."

"I can't," I frantically shake my head and hold on tighter. The doctor takes Link's wrist and separates our hands in a swift tuck. I whimper at the loss of touch.

"It's okay," Impa rubs my back.

I neglect her words and run after them. I have to watch in horror as they lift him into the ambulance while continuing CPR.

"I'm staying with him," I demand but one of the paramedics keeps me from entering the back of the vehicle. "I need to be with him!"

"You can't. Please stay back," he warns, holding out his hand.

"I'm coming with him!" All these months Link and I have been hindered from being together, and now that we finally found a way to make it work, I'm not leaving his side! "Please let me come with him!"

"I'm sorry, nobody is getting in the back except for the EMT." The guy gets in the ambulance and secures the stretcher while another guy places something on Link's mouth that will hopefully help him breathe. "What's his name?" the EMT asks me.

"Link," I cry.

"Full name, Miss," he rushes me.

"Link Miya–Miyamoto–I think," I stammer in shock. Is that his full name? Does he have a middle name?

"Does he have any allergies?"

"I don't–I don't know." I'm too distracted by the other guy doing medical things to Link's body that my mind can't comprehend.

"Medical history?" The EMT in front of me asks, pulling my eyes back to him.

"I don't know..."

"Is he taking any meds?" I shake my head, feeling more and more useless. "Can you tell me anything helpful about the victim?"

"He is allergic to penicillin," Mipha steps up, breathing heavily. "I know his medical history and how to contact his family."

"Okay, you can ride in the front," the EMT tells her and shuts the doors to the back. What? Mipha gives me one last look of anguish before she hurries to the passenger seat and gets in the ambulance.

Before my mind can process any of this, they drive off. I am left behind, feeling paralyzed as if something just walked through me.

"Link..." I quietly whimper and my legs collapse underneath me. They're gone. He is... gone. Impa pulls me back up and supports my body.

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