Silent Princess

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As Impa leads me to her car we pass a couple of students and teachers. I can feel them stare after us as I gasp for air but I couldn't care less.

"Take deep breaths," Impa advises. The fresh air floods my lungs and cleans my mind.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Impa," I beg.

"Just trust me."

She rolls down her windows as we drive off campus. I clutch the seatbelt and keep taking deep breaths. Passing every assignment with a 100 demands dedication and endless hours of studying, but even if I could pull that off it'd take a genius to pass every test without a single mistake. No matter how devoted and diligent I am, I am not a genius.

"Are you doubting yourself?" Impa asks, breaking the silence.

"How could I not? This is mental! What was I thinking?"

"What were you thinking?"

"I don't know."

"Well, think."

"I don't know, Impa!" I breathe and collect my thoughts. "I thought I could do this. I thought this was going to be fine. Maybe... Maybe I wasn't thinking at all."



"For the first time in your life you weren't thinking. You were taking action."

"And look where that has gotten me."

"So you're going to give up, drop biology, and become a politician?"

"No," I exclaim. "I don't know..."

"Are we going to the pier?" I ask as we drive along the beach, the ferris wheel in sight.


"Then where are you taking me?"

"You'll see," she smiles faintly.

"Just tell me."

"Mhhh... Nah."

I pout and look out the window for the rest of the drive. After five silent minutes she leaves the main road and parks the car next to the coast. There's nothing but the ocean, cliffs, and hiking trails around us.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as Impa gets out of her car.

"We're going on a little walk."

"It's going to get dark in a couple of hours and I'm not wearing the right shoes to go hiking right now."

"I said we're going on a little walk, not a pilgrimage."

I sigh and follow Impa on a narrow path up a hill. It's a humid day and the heat stifles me like a heavy blanket. Still, the walk distracts me and helps calm my nerves a little. When we get to the top, Impa stops and we overlook the ocean. The sinking sun is slowly falling towards the horizon and gilds the glistering water.

"We're here," Impa says, her hands on her hips. There's nothing up here but a handful of dry trees and a few colorful flowers blooming by some scrubs.

"Great, now will you tell me what we're doing up here?"

"You are doubting yourself and you're thinking about giving up on your dreams," she tells me and pauses. She probably wants me to argue that, but I don't know if I can. I trace the little patterns on my palm. It's not that I want to give up... I'm just so exhausted from fighting for my dreams when there's still a good chance that it's all for nothing.

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