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(Warning: This chapter contains strong language, explicit sexual content, and violence. It may be a trigger, so if you are uncomfortable with swearing and scenes depicting sexual details, I suggest you skip to Zelda's POV)


Link's POV

Eyes closed, head down. Inhale, exhale. I picture myself, ready to bat, with a strong stance and an empty mind. Ganon's gonna pitch. I take a swing at just the right speed, gotta hit the ball at a perfect angle. Always focus on the pitcher and the hitting zone.

My body feels rested, my breathing exercises are working, my pulse is normal. I'm calm, at least while I'm sitting on the bench. I already know I'm going to be nervous when the game starts. Probably shouldn't have lied to Zelda when she asked me if I'm scared but I don't want her to get worried over nothing.

I feel someone tapping my shoulder and open my eyes. It's Coach. I take my headphones off and give him a nod. Game time.

Now I can hear the fans. So many people watching. One mistake and it's all over. Shit. I clench my fists, exhale, and open my hands again, then I pick up my bat. I gotta try to keep a cool head now. Ganon is going to talk about my family again or about the things he's going to do to Zelda. He knows that she's my weakness now. I have to just ignore him. Can't get into a fight in front of the whole school.

I walk onto the field and the noise doubles. I hate the attention so much. Sports can be fun but I don't know how much more pressure I can take before it gets unhealthy. My eyes immediately go to the stands to find Zelda. One look at her and everything else fades out. She's holding her necklace again. I think she does that when she gets nervous. She shouldn't come to my future games anymore. It's nice that she wants to support me at games but it's not worth it if it gives her anxiety.

"Look who decided to honor us with his presence," Karusa says loud enough for me to hear it.

I look at him without turning my head much. He's been waiting for me to look and grins at me while he crosses his arms. Ganon is standing right next to him but doesn't say anything.

"What? No hello? No I missed you?" Karusa laughs. I clench my jaw and exhale slowly. Ignore him. "Rude. Even your little princess had enough decency to say hello to me earlier." Ignore him! I just have to keep my eyes straight.

The moderator reads the lineup. I push my shoulders back and focus on the bat in my hand. Feels like an extended arm, that's how much I've trained with this bat. I turn my leg a bit to see if it hurts.

"Careful with that knee," Karusa says to me as if I'm supposed to feel threatened by that. I don't even look at him.

After the announcements, when our teams take their positions, Karusa walks extra close to me.

"I know this whole mute act is like your thing and all but I've gotta give it to you, I could not stay this calm if I knew my girl was blowing half the team." I instantly look at him even though I don't want to. "The opponent's team," he makes sure to add that.

I know what he's doing. And I know I shouldn't care but it still pisses me off when he talks about Zelda. I look up at her to find that calm feeling but she looks even more worried now. I think I know why. It's Karusa. She probably hates him even more than I do. Once the game starts he'll be on the other side of the field. Just gotta ignore him till then.

"You two are a thing now, right? But why? I mean, yeah man she's tight but to be honest if my girl came home with a hickey I wouldn't bother with her." I stop everything. How does Karusa know about the hickey? "Is sharing your girl with other guys considered true love? Or is that just sad?" I can't take my eyes away from him. All I see is red.

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