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I can hear the music coming from the frat house before we even get out of my car.

"Ready?" Impa asks, checking her makeup in the mirror.


I look out of the window to take in the scene. What is happening here? I am outside a frat house with drunk students scattered across the front lawn and people making out on the porch, ready to run after the boy I kissed and judged. I check the time... It's almost 10 PM. So much for the curfew.

"Ready?" Impa asks again.

"Ready," I exhale and open the car door.

Impa greets at least ten people before we even enter the house. The music is too loud to carry a normal conversation and the amount of people in this tight space makes me anxious.

"Karson!" Impa calls her friend and heads over to a group of people standing around a huge Jenga tower.

"Impa! Perfect timing, we're about to play beer pong. But first I'm going to win this game."

"You wish," his friend slurs.

"They aren't architecture majors, so it's easy to win," Karson says to Impa and removes a block from the unsteady tower.

The next guy takes another piece and the whole thing crashes down onto the wooden floor.

"GG," Karson takes a sip from his red cup and heads over to the ping pong table with Impa.

Impa looks at me and waves me over. She's getting too distracted too easily. When I arrive at the ping pong table, her smile grows and she gestures at her friends.

"Zelda, this is Granté, Teli, Mils, and Mina."

"Nice to meet you," I say with an effortless half-smile and whisper to my friend. "Impa, we have to find Link."

"Just one round," she says, dipping the ping pong ball in one of the filled cups on the table.

"You can be on my team," Granté says but I decline.

I need to find Link and they are slowing me down. I leave the living room area without Impa and find the stairs. Two people are making out on the stairs and when I try to pass them the girl offers him to head upstairs. His eyes move up and down her body before they find me passing by behind her. When he looks at me I gape unintentionally. Isn't that Domidak?

"Hold on," he tells me and I stop, more so because I'm not sure whether he meant me or her. I thought he had a crush on Impa, why is he making out with another girl? Has he already given up and moved on? Or is this to distract him from someone who didn't show interest? Maybe he had a girlfriend all along. People can be so different to how you think they are.

"Didn't you hear me?" He asks loudly, barely audibly through the booming music.

"Sorry what?" I yell back.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"What?" the girl and I say at the same time.

"A drink," he says to me with a type of confidence I didn't know he had. "You look like you need one."

"No, thanks," I say confused.

"Come on, just one drink," he insists.

"Prissen!" The girl snaps at him. "You're here with me!"


"So?" he shrugs her off. She throws her hair over her shoulder with a huff and leaves the stairs.

"So, about that drink," he smiles at me.

"What's going on with you? Impa is right over there, didn't you like her? Why did that girl call you Prissen?"

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now