Zelda's Resentment

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Impa gets in my car and greets me with a smile, meanwhile I sit uncomfortably stiff in my seat, pupils piercing the narrow road ahead.

"Hey there," Impa falls into the passenger seat. "Long time no see. Woah, you okay? You look...uh..."


"Scary," Impa giggles.

"Did you really not find your charger?" I challenge.

"Uh... Yes, why? You don't believe me?"

"Link..." I stop myself.

I want to tell her that Link lied to me but I don't want to hear her rant about him. I still have hopes that he had a reason to meet Malice and keep it a secret. Maybe I'm being naive, but I need Link to be more than a liar.

"Link what?" Impa asks after I drive off in silence.

"Did I say Link? Hey, I have a question," I try to distract her from my initial thought.

"I might have an answer," she says in a high spirit, looking out the window as I enter the main road.

"When do the mixed martial arts tournaments start?"

"Early next month, why?"

"Will Malice fight too?"

"Yes. Why are you asking?"

"Can I come watch?"

"I'd love it if you came," Impa's ember eyes are beaming like the setting sun.

Of course I want to support my best friend, but I also want to see Malice get beat up. I don't recognize this violent side of me. This is wrong, I will not lower myself to Malice's standards.

We get to the pier soon after. The lights, the people, and the music fill this place with life and joy. Unfortunately, none of it is truly touching me. Everything is bleak and sort of annoying right now. Maybe I should drive back to campus and find Link to straighten this out now, but I also don't want to run after him when he should have been the one to say something. I can't believe he'd just lie to me like that. I could tell he was getting more nervous after his little white lie slipped out.

"Wanna go to the arcade?" Impa asks, leading the way.

"You go ahead, I think I'll just take a quick walk around the pier."

"You seem off. Did something happen with you and Link?"

I lift the corner of my mouth in an attempt to smile.

"Possibly. But I don't want to talk about it," I tell her honestly and am glad to receive a nod in return.

"We can just walk around then," she says.

I nod once. I don't want to tell her no, even if I secretly want to walk by myself right now. I thought the pier would distract me from Link, but wherever I go, I just wonder; was this where Link fought Ganon? Did he talk to Malice here? Did he come here often or was it a total coincidence that we ran into each other? Maybe Impa was right and he does follow me? I chuckle at my own paranoia.

We pass a souvenir shop and my feet come to a sudden halt.

"What is it?" Impa asks, nearly bumping into me. My eyes roam the racks of t-shirts, fake license plates, and ugly magnets, but ultimately settle on the little stand with postcards.

"I am going to write him a postcard," I mutter to myself.

"A postcard? What for?"

"To apologize," I say and she frowns.

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