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"Can I ask you something?" Link asks, his fingers are drawing little circles on my arm now. I hold my breath and nod. "What's your dad's goal exactly?" I exhale disappointed. "Obviously you guys live in a freaking palace so if it's money, he's got it."

"No, it's nothing like that. Money has never been his ambition, even if it might seem like it. He has a good heart and good intentions. He wants what's best for his people, you know? The college, the state... He could retire early but he cares about the school."

I sigh...

"I suppose it's flattering that he believes I have the potential to become a leader. For as long as I can remember he's wanted me to do what he has done and enter the field of politics. It started when I was still a toddler, when Mother was still around. It is his dream and every time I disobey him I take that dream away from him piece by piece. I feel awful but I can't cut my foot to fit in the shoe. I just don't feel passionate about politics."

"And what would your mother say to all that?"

I smile against his chest. "She would often look at me in the most loving way and say... Little Bird, you could become the first female president, you could lead the world if that's what you want... But... you don't have to."

Link remains silent, allowing me to dwell in the comfort of my memories. When his phone buzzes, he picks it up to check the notification. It's a Snapchat video from Karson.

"It's officially not your birthday anymore," he reads the time.

"In Alaska it is."

"We're not in Alaska."

"Shut the front door," I gasp. "You're telling me this now?"

"You're so silly," he unlocks his phone and opens Snapchat. His app is exploding with unopened messages. He watches Karson's video with me. Looks like the soccer team is still celebrating their victory with music and beer at the stadium. 

"Now the only strong team to defeat are the Boars. But we still have a month to train," he says with venom on his tongue.

"You'll do amazing. And if you don't, then I'll still think you're amazing," I say.

When the video is over, Link snaps another picture of us, arm in arm.

"I should probably leave soon, you look tired. You didn't even fight me," he tires not to chuckle because his chest would quiver beneath my head.

"No, don't leave," I cling to his arm. "Let's watch another movie."

"You sure?"

"Yes, please. We can watch The Blind Side or Karate Kid, whatever you want."

Link is easily persuaded and starts another movie. We share one of the comfortable longchairs. I only remember the first two minutes of the movie, suddenly Link is nudging me awake as the last credits leave the screen.

"It's almost 2 AM," he whispers, getting up slowly. I groan and curl my body into a tiny ball, unwilling to get up.

Link picks me up and carries me up the stairs to my bedroom without as much as a heave. He lets me down gently and covers me with my fluffy blanket. Hello bed, I've missed you.

"I don't want to freak you out," he says slowly, "but your plant is... glowing."

I open one eye to look at the Silent Princess resting on my desk, glowing in a divine blue light. "Oh."


I chuckle at his adorable, innocent face and mumble against the mattress. "It's one of Mother's experiments. Urbosa said when darkness falls over me I should be my own light. I think she was hinting at this."

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now