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I don't know how long it must have taken me to finally fall asleep, but I remember how tightly I was squeezing Terrako to my chest. I get up before I'm even sure that I've fully woken up. I check my phone.... Nothing.

It's Friday. Today can't go by fast enough. Only twelve hours until I'm meeting up with Impa for Daruk's, provided she's still coming.

After I get ready, I grab a blueberry muffin from the kitchen and leave the house. It's not even 8 AM and it's already extremely humid and hot.

In my psychology class we're discussing personality and how the brain gets affected differently depending on countless attributes. I keep thinking about Impa and her strange behavior recently. Luckily my German and economics classes go by fairly quickly. PE used to be my least favorite class but today I can hardly wait for it to start. Though I care less about the course itself than about the... classmates. Classmate.

While I'm changing into my gym shorts and sneakers, Malice enters the locker room but even she can't ruin my mood today. I'm just too excited to see Link again. When I want to leave the locker room my eyes meet hers.

"Want me to wipe that dumb grin off your face?" She offers.

"I think I'm good, thanks," I smile even wider.

"Why so happy?" she raises the corner of her mouth in disgust.

"It's a beautiful day," I shrug, hoping she'll leave me alone now.

"Did something good happen? Something involving a certain athlete?" She shoots me a mischievous smile. 

She's bluffing.

"No clue what you're talking about." I attempt to leave but her foot blocks the door.

"He's not the guy you think he is," Malice sneers.

I don't look at her. She has stolen my smile, she's not stealing my good mood.

"Do you know how he got those bruises?" she asks.

I do, but I certainly won't confirm it to her. She continues after I don't pay her any attention.

"I know what you're up to," she says, checking her long acrylic nails. "You think he's your knight in shining armor. I get it, he's hot and talented, but you and the other girls are just a game to him."

"What?" I ask confused, my annoyance showing in my voice.

"Whatever it is the two of you have, it's not exclusive. It never is with guys like him. Trust me, I know. He asked me to meet him in private today after school, did he not tell you?"

I clench my jaw. She's lying. She's a lying witch.

"Nope, why would he tell me? We don't talk," I won't allow her to find out about Link and I.

"Then you won't mind if I meet him?"

I roll my eyes, still waiting for her to clear my path.

"He did say I can't tell anyone. Ops. Be a doll and keep it a secret, will you?"

"Don't worry, I wasn't listening anyway," I snarl and watch as her stupid grin turns upstie down.

"Don't hate on me, I'm not the one who asked to meet. Go ask your loverboy. If he denies it, he's lying. Men always have secrets. You'll see it, sooner or later. I'm doing you a favor by telling you now."

Malice walks to her locker without another word and I leave the locker room. Link is already warming up when I enter the gym. Malice is lying, I remind myself. When he spots me, he sends me a swift smile and I give it my best to return that honest smile. He would have told me if he were meeting Malice. Actually, he probably wouldn't. He doesn't feel it necessary to share information unless asked to do so. Mabye Malice is right and I should just go ask him myself. Wait... Did I just say Malice is right?

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now