Why I Did It

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I wake up in Link's arms and stretch my legs. He's fast asleep. I give him a small kiss on his jaw and unplug my phone from his charger. We slept in late, but we also stayed up late because the music from downstairs was deafening.

After I took care of his injuries, we played Mario Kart, watched YouTube, got really tired, tried but failed to sleep, played some cards, got an energy boost at 2 AM, tried to get homework done, and ended up making out instead. I smile at the memory.

After that, we fell asleep to a documentary about Antoine Griezmann and the disturbing sound mix of a barfing sorority girl and the moans of Kafei and Anju's premature honeymoon ritual. No need to replay those memories.

I scroll through some hotel options in the area until, one hour later, a vibrating sound is coming from the empty chips bags on Link's desk and I get up to find his phone buzzing. I gently shake Link until he opens his eyes.

"Hey," he says in a raspy voice and smiles.

"Someone is calling you."

He rubs his eyes and, with a groan of pain, tries sitting up. His hand reaches for his shin and rubs over the swollen area.

"Who is it?" he asks. His hair is a hot mess. 

The buzzing has stopped and a green notification pops up. "I don't know but they just sent a text."



"That's my pin, read me the message," he says, closing his eyes again.

Dazed, I stare at his phone. He wants me to read his messages? Is this a test? I hesitate but pick up his phone and am surprised when the code unlocks his phone. I look back at Link, his eyes still closed. Huh... 

I open his messaging app. I try not to read the names he's been texting but my eyes go there involuntarily. Mipha and Aryll are the only female names I see. Not that it matters...

"So?" he asks. Oh right. I select the most recent message.

"It's your captain," I say. *Where u at?*

Link's body folds to a 90-degree angle and his eyes fly open. "What time is it?"

"It's 11:03," I say and watch as he jumps out of bed, without his crutches.

"I forgot we had practice today," he breathes and grabs his car keys from the nightstand.

"You can't practice with a broken leg, I thought your coach is informed?"

"Practice isn't all about running."

"But Link--" I follow him out of his room and almost trip over a girl sleeping on the floor in front of his room. Luckily she is completely out of it and doesn't notice us. Link walks downstairs and out the front door. 

"Link, if you keep walking on your leg like it's nothing you're going to need emergency surgery and won't be able to play sports again."

"Is this about the crutches?" He finally stops walking when we reach his car in the driveway.

"Partially, yes. Are you trying to sabotage your career? Is that it? Do you want to get hurt?" I remember him telling me that he wished to injure himself as a kid to escape from life as an athlete. "Or are you a masochist, craving the pain?"

"Neither, I just forgot."

"How can you forget?" Seriously, how?

"I just forgot," he groans and unlocks his car. Are we fighting? He looks annoyed when all I'm doing is care about his well-being.

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