I'm Sorry

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Enough is enough. I've been waiting for half an hour, every second feels like a year. I'm risking my future by being here when the outcome is bound to be bad whether I end it or not. I will just have to find a way to stop thinking about Link and focus on school.

How will I explain this to Father? I wish my phone wasn't dead... I'm sure he has tried calling me by now.

I get up from Link's bed, smooth out the blanket, and head for the door that leads to the hallway. Before I leave, I place the postcard with my apology on his desk. That should do... I'm not the most social or experienced person, especially when it comes to relationships, but I know I am in the wrong here and I want him to at least hear, or well, read my apology.

For thirty minutes I've gone over and over this, always coming to the same conclusion. It can't work. I'm not ready for a relationship and Link doesn't deserve to be my guinea pig. I think he cares about me more than I admit to myself and maybe it'll hurt him to know that we have to stop this before it really started, but I fear that if we continue this thing we have, more people will get hurt. I want to prevent him from getting hurt any further.

When I open the door, Link is standing right in front of me, reaching for the door knob. My eyes stare at him in shock and I pull him into his room and lock the door before somebody sees us.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper and let go of him.

He's wearing black sweatpants, a black hoodie, sunglasses, and a cap. He really didn't want to be recognized by anyone and now I feel even worse for making him come here when I knew he didn't want to.

"I'm so sorry," I repeat, tears staining my cheeks. "I'm sorry!" Why am I crying now?

When I opened the door, Link looked frustrated and a bit angry but now he looks more concerned. He removes his sunglasses and cap but doesn't move from his spot.

"It's okay," he says even though he doesn't even know what I'm apologizing for.

"I didn't want to hurt you," I cry. It takes every bit of strength in me to just stand here trying to stop the tears.

I don't want to stop talking to Link but this relationship is bound to fail. I wanted to end it all, I did, but as soon as I saw him in front of me, the fear of losing him took over my common sense.

"Let's talk," he says calmly. I nod in gratitude.

He's still willing to talk to me. But who should speak first? Should I do what Daruk said and wait patiently for him to open up or should I apologize for being prejudiced first.

Link takes his hoodie off and throws it into the corner of his room. He changes into a t-shirt, then he takes a sip from his water bottle and sits down in his chair. He gestures for me to sit on his bed and I do so without a word. I'm glad that at least one of us is acting calm and natural. He's the rock and I'm the crashing sea. I need him.

"I didn't know you'd be here and if Ravioli hadn't called me I wouldn't have come," he says and I'm relieved that he is the one to speak first.

"Ravioli?" I raise an eyebrow.

Link shrugs. "It's what we call Revali."

I'm starting to see why Revali would dislike Link. But the unpopular part of my brain is secretly grinning at the thought of Link using that nickname.

"Well... I'm sorry for making you come here. I know you try to avoid these parties and I can see why... It's loud, full of intoxicated people, and to top it all Malice and Ganon were here."


Link sits up straight like a watchdog, his eyes full of spite and worry. He looks at my arms and back up at my face.

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