Skeleton in the Closet

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"Come on, Zelda," Impa pouts.

I shake my head for the tenth time. "I can't."

"It's our first spring break as college students! It's against the law not to party."

"So go party," I shrug.

"Not alone."

"Take Prissen."

"Ew, no."

"Domidak then."

"Now you're just mocking me. Come on, Princess. You gotta get out of the hospital every once in a while."

"I agree. But not today."

"Why? What's today?"

"March 14th."


I take Link's hand into mine and study his face. The bruising has gone down and his skin is back to its regular color. "On Valentine's Day, I gave him chocolate. It's a Japanese tradition. One month later, the guy is supposed to give something back to the girl."

"This is depressing," Impa plunges down on the couch and rests her boots on the armrest. "Let's drive somewhere. Doesn't have to be Florida. We can just go to the pier."

"Too many memories of him..."

"Okay, let's go to the library?" she jokes.

"Stop," I bid in an exhausted sigh.

"Sorry. Just trying to cheer you up."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm just so tired of waiting."

"My point exactly. You have to get away for a while. Staring at him will only make you more depressed."

A quiet knock on the door draws our eyes away from Link. It's Mipha, entering the room with a soft smile.

"Hey," she quietly greets us.

"Hey," I return in an equal volume.

"Yo Mipha," Impa sits up and rests her elbows on her knees. "Are you gonna go somewhere for spring break?"

"No, Link's mother is coming to California so I am staying here to help her with transportation, accomodation, and translation. I am on my way to pick her up from the airport right now..." She takes a step toward the bed while clinging to the pink surfboard on her keychain. "I'm just making a quick stop to see how he's doing..."

Mipha's voice fades out as she continues speaking. My mind is stuck on Link's mother coming to the States... She is coming all the way from Japan to visit her son in a coma. Which means I will be meeting her soon. Without Link. Mipha will have to be the one to translate for us. The thought makes me nauseous. Another point for Mipha... the girl who saved Link's life. The girl who has always been there for him, who knows him better than anyone else, who loves and treats him the way any mother could wish for. The girl who should have been his girlfriend. I wonder if his mother knows about us. And if she is upset that he didn't choose Mipha...

"Are you going to be here in the afternoon?" Mipha's eyes land on me.

"Me? No, actually, Impa and I are leaving for the week."

"Wait, really?" Impa grins.

"Yes, in fact, we should go right now if we don't want to be late," I give a frantic nod and get up breathlessly.

"Oh," is all Mipha says. I'm glad she isn't questioning my sudden departure.

"Very unfortunate timing, so sorry about that. Let's go, Impa." I drag her out by the wrist and don't let go until we reach the elevator.

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