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It's a good thing that I'm still 2 weeks ahead in most of my classes because in the past week I haven't gotten any work done. Most of my professors are very understanding of the situation, a few of them still requested I watch the recordings of their lectures. I haven't done that yet. I've mainly been sitting by Link's side, speaking to him when he probably can't even hear me. Mipha has spent a lot of time at the hospital as well but she sleeps at the dorms while I stay with Link.

Other people have been trying to visit him, a lot of people actually, but hospital policies prohibit it. It seems every student from HU has come to the hospital only to be told that they can't see him. I've been trying to keep my mind off of the baseball game and the Boars but it's quite difficult to escape those thoughts when the whole world is talking about Link.

On top of that, random people have been spamming me, only because I'm the girlfriend. It's frustrating. After reading the first ten messages, I decided to abandon social media for a while; most of them were either questions about Link's condition or death threats. Unfortunately, even when I manage to avoid the media, Link is right in front of me, carrying scars as a poignant reminder of last Sunday.

It's Friday afternoon now and it's been exactly three days since the doctors have removed the medications that are keeping Link in his induced coma. Mipha is already here and Impa is planning on joining us after her MMA training. I texted Revali but he hasn't responded nor has he visited the hospital. I know they don't exactly like each other but I'm disappointed that Revali hasn't made any effort in showing his support. Maybe it's because it's too soon to see Mipha holding Link's hand. While I relate to those complicated feelings all too well, I still think he should be here for Link.

I get up from the couch to walk over to his bed. Mipha has been holding his hand for the past hour. I'm okay with that. I would be lying if I said deep down I wasn't bothered by it, I can't control how I feel, but I can choose to ignore those feelings and be the friend Mipha needs.

"Have you heard from his family?" I ask Mipha.

"I spoke to his mother last night. She is trying to book a flight to visit."

"What about his father? And Aryll?"

"They are not able to come at the moment."

I'm glad Link's mother is planning on making the trip, even if it makes me anxious. I never imagined meeting Link's parents under such traumatic circumstances. The doctors said it will take him some time to regain full consciousness. He might be a little sleepy and confused when he wakes up. I don't expect him to have full conversations with me today, I just want to hear his voice, feel his touch on me, and see those perfect blue eyes looking back at me.

The door opens and the doctor walks in. I never understand what they are looking at exactly when examining Link's body. Only a couple of seconds later, Impa walks in with a plastic bag and drink carrier in her hands.

"Hey guys! Subway?" Impa hands Mipha and me a sandwich and soda.

"Thank you," we say at the same time. Impa has been an amazing friend throughout all of this. I would have surely broken apart if it weren't for her.

"So," Impa puts her arm around me and looks down at Link, then back up at the doctor. "When's he waking up?"

The doctor turns to face us with furrowed brows. "He should have woken up by now."

"What's that mean?" Impa asks for the rest of us.

"Why isn't he waking up?" I quickly add to the question.

"Not sure. Everything looks fine; there is brain activity. We'll just have to be patient."

"I don't understand. If everything looks fine, how can he still be asleep?" I want to know.

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