Feel Better

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After buying a postcard at the pier, Link drives us back to the frat house. The door is locked, suggesting that everyone's gone by now. We enter with caution. The house is quiet, a bit messy, but nobody other than Revali can be found upon stepping into the living room. He is lying on the couch, lifting weights with one hand while holding his phone in the other.

"Welcome home," Revali says without making eye contact, already sounding annoyed by our presence.

"Hello Revali," I greet him. He sits up in a heartbeat and looks over the back of the couch to gape at me.

"You," he peers at me.

"Me," I press my lips together, trying not to look awkward.

"You're the reason I had to send everybody home?"

"I'm sorry about that."

"Both of you owe me," he reminds us.

"Where are the others?" Link asks Revali. I'm guessing he means their roommates.


Without another exchange of words between the two, Link makes his way upstairs and I follow. He unlocks the door to his room, letting me enter first. I take my backpack off and place it next to his desk before I take a seat on the bed. It's a hot mess in here but I don't mind. It feels more like home than my own room.

"Are you feeling a little better?" Link asks, standing in the door.

"A little," I nod.

"I'm going to make you dinner. You can stay up here or you can join me in the kitchen. Ravioli is the only one home so you don't have to worry about anyone else."

"Thank you... I think I'll stay up here and write my letter for Impa."

"Okay. You know where to find me. I won't be long," he says and leaves.

He's so sweet to me. Pik's words still echo in my mind. You deserve better. Not even a saint deserves Link's heart. He should protect you and make you happy. If only he knew. Link has done more for me than I will ever deserve. I've been unfair to him more times than I would like to admit and yet he was patient and never failed to be there for me when I needed him. The same goes for Impa. All my life she has been there during my lowest times as well as during the highlights of my life. She has been the best friend anyone could wish for and I basically disregarded her for months. I've never seen her so down, I don't know how to handle it. How can words repair the damage I've caused?

By the time I'm done with the postcard, Link returns, informing me that dinner is ready. A wave of different smells sneaks into the room and fills my nose with a foreign scent, making my tummy grumble. The sound of my starving organs is drowned by the buzzing coming from my phone on Link's desk. I ignore it.

"Do you want me to hand you your phone?" He sweetly asks but I shake my head.

"It's my father. He has been trying to reach me."

"I take it you don't want to speak to him?"

"Do I have to answer that?"

He shakes his head and offers me his hand. I take it and get up from his bed.

"Done with the letter?"

"I think so. I hope it will work. I really screwed up this time. I hope she won't be upset for too long. I know she didn't mean to end our friendship, I know she'll come around, but it still hurt so much to hear her say those things to me..."

Link doesn't give me a verbal response but he looks at me with undivided attention. He may not have much wisdom to share with me but he is there for me. And I am grateful for that.

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