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(Hey guys, this is a trigger warning. I kept detail to a minimum but there is content of sexual assault so skip this chapter if you don't want to read about it)


Zelda's POV.

I'm uncertain whether the baseball players are following me or not. It's impossible to distinguish between the sound of their steps behind me and the throbbing of my pulse behind my ears. I don't intend on turning around to check, nor am I going to stop walking. I'll return to the stands where Impa is waiting for me. Which tunnel was it again?

I bring my phone to my ear and call Impa. Please pick up. Please pick up. Plea—

"Zelda?" She shouts into the speaker. 

"Hey, which tunnel do I have to take to get to our seats?"

"Lost?" I hear his unmistakable voice behind me.

A cold shower rolls down my spine and for a fraction of a second my legs are robbed of their feelings. I almost trip and fall but I catch myself and keep walking at a fast pace. Maybe if I ignore them they'll leave me alone.

"My friend told me your name," Karusa has caught up with me and is walking alongside me. "I had no idea you're a Hyrule. If I had known that I would have introduced myself properly. I'm Karusa."

The blood in my veins freezes and halts my steps. I take in our surroundings. He's alone; his friends didn't follow. What does he want?

"Hello? Did you hear what I said?" Impa's voice sounds from my phone.

"I know who you are," I say to Karusa. "Ganon told me. Right before he hit me."

"What? Who are you talking to?" Impa asks through the line.

"Hang up, it's easier if I just show you the way. I know this stadium like the back of my hand," Karusa removes my phone from my hand. Every muscle in my body quivers of fright by the mere touch of his fingers on mine.

"Impa!" I cry right as he ends the phone call.

"What's your seat number?" he asks.

"B12," I lie.

"Follow me."

I know nothing about him but I do know that his temper hangs at a very fine line. If I upset him, he may snap and try to hurt me again. What should I do? Do I follow him to please him? Do I decline and risk upsetting him? Which one is safer? 

One of the last things he said to Link was that he'd find me when I'm alone and make me regret rejecting him. I remember every word he said to provoke Link that day but that one stuck with me the most.

He stops and looks back at me. "You coming?"

My feet start walking and I follow him down the hallway. I should stop, turn around, run away. But I follow him quietly. When we enter one of the tunnels I feel relief. I can see the floodlights and hear the fans. 

Half way through the tunnel he suddenly stops and turns around. Why is he stopping? We're almost there. My stomach flips and I can sense the threat in front of me. I stop with some distance between us but he walks closer, grips my waist, and holds me steady.

My vision goes black when I look up at him. I'm terrified of the thoughts behind those empty eyes. I feel my body shutting down immediately. This is not the time to faint! I have to stay conscious!

"What are you doing?" I ask stupidly. 

I refuse to look at him a second time. His hands only tighten when I attempt to push him away. I can feel each of his fingers digging into my waist and it's making me nauseous. I know this isn't going to end well. I know it with every fiber of my trembling body.

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