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It's hot and sunny outside. Luckily, tomorrow it's supposed to rain. Not that I like rain, but the environment will appreciate it. I walk over to the bleachers and spot Urbosa coaching the track team. I don't want to interrupt their practice again, so I just stand by the bleachers and wave when she spots me. She starts walking right over to say hi to me.

"Little bird," Urbosa reflects my smile like a mirror. 

"Hey Urbosa."

"How did your talk with your father go?"

"It was okay, I guess. He didn't make me drop biology, but I'm double majoring in politics now."

"That's a lot. Are you handling it alright?"


"Yes, I think I'll manage," I say instead.

"I hope he'll come around. Do you want me to have a word with him?"

"No, that's okay." I don't want her to be in the middle of this mess and risk her friendship with Father.

"Well, for what it's worth, I think you'll do great. You always do."

If only she knew about the 100 points rule...

"Yes," I force another smile.

"I do have to get back to practice."

"Er, Urbosa?" I say when she turns around to leave. She stops to look at me.


"Rev... er... Two guys got into a fight," I seize the locket of my necklace.

"When?" she seems alarmed.

"It happened on the weekend. Off-campus." She relaxes her shoulders and exhales. "I just... I don't know if I should say something to them. They shouldn't be fighting."

"Were you there when they were fighting?"

"No. Of course not." I don't hang out with boys, Urbosa knows that.

"Is it someone you care about?"

"What?" I shift uncomfortably.

"The guy. Are you worried that he'll get hurt again?"

"No, I just don't want him or the school to get in trouble."

"If it happened off-campus, the school isn't involved in the assault and he can't get expelled for it. But that's not what you're worried about, is it?"

I don't answer her question. I'm not really worried about him, I mean, obviously I don't want them to be injured, but I don't care about him. Either of them. What I do care about are my grades, and right now Revali and Link are distracting me from focusing on that.

"I saw his bruises," Urbosa says calmly, interrupting my thoughts. "He walked by the track just moments before you came. He looked even more reserved than usual."

"Revali? Reserved? Really?" I thought he was pretty extroverted.

"Wait, who is Revali?"

"The guy with the bruises. Who are you talking about?"

"Link, of course" she glimpses at the soccer field and back at me. "Isn't he bruised as well?"

"Yes. But when did he pass the track? We were in PE together only moments ago."

"Like I said, you just missed him."

So Link and Revali must have passed each other too. No wonder Revali was so grumpy.

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя