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Link, Impa, and I sit in the last row of the stadium. Impa has her hand in a bag of chips and her boots on the seat in front of her while my finger traces the seams on Link's soccer ball and we both appreciate the view. The floodlights are turned off, the soccer field below is deserted and peaceful, and the sky is sprinkled with stars accompanied by a crescent-shaped moon.

"It's almost 9 PM," Impa has to remind me.

"I know," I sigh.

"Tomorrow is Friday!" She cheers.

"Finally," I say, then look to my left where Link is sitting in silence, looking over his game tactics for Saturday's game.

He hasn't said a word in a good amount of time and I'm starting to get worried again. When I look at him for long enough, his eyes leave the scribbled notes and meet mine along with a faint smile, taking my worries away. He's just concentrating. I have to stop being so anxious.

"Do you get nervous before a game?" I ask him.

"Mh... Not really. Only if the opponents are better."

"Who is the strongest team you've played against? I mean here in the US."

"The Boars," he says in a serious tone, his voice bitter.

"You're playing against them at the end of the season, right?" He nods. "Do you think Ganon will be back by then?" I ask carefully.

His eyes narrow slightly, letting his anger slip through. I shouldn't have asked about Ganon. It's clear by his reaction and the bits of history he's told me that Ganon and Lorule Academy are very sensitive topics. I would still like to know what happened at the pier after I left that day, but I don't want to push him.

"Hate to bust the party, but your dad will have you shipped to a finishing school if you're not home in an hour," Impa says and gets up from her seat.

Usually she would try to get me to stay until the very last minute but today she can't wait for me to go home.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I say half-jokingly.

"By all means, stay all night," she shrugs and gives me a smug smile.

I blush and pick up my bag before getting up.

"Are you going to practice more?" I ask Link when he gets up as well. He nods.

Impa is standing impatiently by the steps with one hand on her hip and a scolding look aimed at me.

"Go on, I'll be out in a second," I tell her. She leaves without a word.

"How are your ribs? Any better?" I ask Link.

"Better than ever," he smiles, but when I poke him, he still flinches.

"I worry about you," I admit and feel my cheeks flush.

"It's sweet."

A moment of silence passes between us and I shift uncomfortably on my heels.

"So," I say, unsure what to do now. How do you say goodbye to someone you've only known for a week but you've already kissed? What am I doing?

I realize I still have his ball, so I stretch out my stiff arms in front of me like an awkward mannequin. He doesn't take it.

"Keep it," he says.

"It's your ball," I argue confused.

"I know. But you said you'd give it back when we're done here. And we're not done," he smiles and tugs one of the loose strands of hair behind my ear. Oh.

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα