Falling In Love

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I enter my room, still recovering from my conversation with Father. Impa is lying on my bed with a bowl of popcorn, using my laptop to find a movie on Netflix.

"Welcome back," she says when I close the door. As I walk up to the bed she shuts the laptop and looks up at me. "Let's watch a movie downstairs in the home theater. Whatcha in the mood for? Comedy, action... something spooky?" she asks in a ghost voice.

"How about drama," I sigh.

"Oh no." She examines my face and sits up. "What happened?"

How can one put it into words?

"Did he say something dumb again?"

"He... he told me how proud he is to have me as his daughter."

"Really?" Impa raises an eyebrow.

"And then he told me that I will drop biology."

"Wait what? Did he say both these things in one breath because I can totally see it."

I nod, staring past her into nothingness as my conversation with Father plays on repeat in the back of my head.

No, you will no longer be majoring in biology.

"But biology is your passion," Impa emphasizes.

"Indeed," I nod again.

"Then why are you so calm? It's freaking me out. Woah, wait a second. Wait, a, second. Holy shit. Did you tell him no?"

"I did."

You can't do that! my own voice echoes through my memory.

"Really?" Impa nearly bounces off the bed from excitement. "What did you say to him? I want to know the exact words you used."

"I... I told him that he had no right to choose my major for me. Especially since I have received perfect scores exclusively."

"Ohh, nice, what did he say?"

"He said that I got a 92 at a quiz, a quiz that didn't even count toward my final grade, may I add..." The volume of my voice is increasing dramatically.

"And then what?" She scoops some popcorn into her mouth.

"I got upset, so I yelled at him." I stalk back and forth from one side of my room to the other. "I told him that he is a manipulative control freak. I looked him dead in the eye and said: You set me up for failure! We both knew it would be impossible to get a 100 on every assignment. Only I had to cling to the hope that there is a way to make it possible while you were patiently waiting for me to make a mistake. You pressured me into perfection, something that only exists in a figurative sense."

"Yess, get it girl!" Impa applauds.

I punch one of my decorative pillows. That felt good. I take another hit.

"You never cared whether I succeeded in biology," I shout at it. "You just needed a reason to take it away from me. Well congratulations. Your daughter will no longer be wasting her time studying biology because you no longer have a daughter. You have a roommate... Until Tuesday when I turn 18. And then you have nothing. I'll be gone. Find someone else to tyrannize."

The popcorn falls out of Impa's mouth and right back into the bowl as she gapes at me in a frozen state of awe.

"Damn. You said that?"

"No of course not!" I bring my hands up to my face in such a pace that I slap both my cheeks at once. "I couldn't say any of it. So I just said okay."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"I was speechless, okay? I didn't know what to say! My world was caving in and I am glad I didn't pass out on the spot." I think the pure shock is the only thing keeping my tears at bay.

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