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My first class goes by pretty quickly. Usually I'd be happy about that, but today I wish time would slow down. Every time I think about PE I get nauseous. I don't want to be in Link's presence today. The car ride was so uncomfortable and I have a feeling that Link is upset. But why? Because I thought he was dating Mipha? He should have just denied it when Malice said that at the pier. If anyone has the right to be upset it's me. 

I spot Pik at the other end of the hallway and try to hide behind a corner but I think he saw me. This just keeps on getting better... I know he means well and I'm not mad about astronomy anymore, but the way he talked to Link yesterday makes me furious and I don't know if I want to talk to him right now. He had no reason to be rude to Link. Or maybe he does have a reason. I have to stop assuming things about other people.

Pik appears from behind the corner and flashes me with his bright smile.

"Hey," he says and pushes his hair back.

"Oh, hi Pik."

"You didn't come back yesterday."

"I know, I... I felt sick. I was marked absent anyway so it wouldn't have mattered if I came back to class. I just went home right after Link showed up."

If I manage to keep eye contact he'll believe my fake story. That's right Pik, I wasn't here when Link got into a fight.

"So you know him?" he asks with a neutral expression.

"No, not really. I mean... I've heard about him and I know who he is, but I don't know him any more than the other students at HU." Keep looking at his eyes, Zelda.

"Alright. I thought maybe you guys were close since--"

"Nope, we're not," I quickly interrupt.

"Since he knew your name."

Shoot. I forgot that Link said my name in front of Pik.

"Oh well, who doesn't? I'm the president's daughter." I make a nervous laugh and shrug. My eyes dart to the classroom door and I quickly look back at him.

"True. I just thought he doesn't really talk to anyone," Pik says, sounding slightly suspicious.

"So do you know him?" I ask him back, hoping it will distract him from my lie.

"No. Same as you, I know who he is but yesterday was the first time we talked. Well, I talked. He... Link only talked to you."

"So you guys didn't talk more after I went home?"

"No, I thought he went after you?"

"Nope, I went home."

"Yeah, you've mentioned that. Three times." Oh no, he's definitely getting suspicious.

"Well, I better get going. I'll see you in astronomy tomorrow."

"Speaking of which," he says as I walk past him. I stop, turn around, and wait for him to speak.

"I talked to Astor after class. He said he'll excuse your absence and reset your grade."

"Wait what? What do you mean? Does this mean my grade is fine? I didn't lose any points?"

"Precisely. Thank me later. Actually, thank me now, let's grab lunch together."

"I can't, I have a class in five minutes."

"Pity. Maybe you could come to my gig on Friday night then?"

"A gig?"

"Yeah, my band plays at this bar not far from the dorms. You should come."

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now