Merry Christmas

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I gently hit my knuckles against Revali's door. Just two times. Then I wait. I knock again. Once.

"Go away," he warns in a sharp tone.

I place my head against his door and gather all the strength left in my body to utter a quiet "It's me..."

It only takes a few seconds for Revali to open the door. For the first time, no arrogance or vexation greets me after knocking on his door. He tried to clean up his face but traces of blood still sit around his nose and mouth. It's not as bad as Link's face but still unsettling to look at.

I hold up the bag of frozen vegetables. It makes him step aside to let me in, and after he shuts the door behind me I take a seat on his bed. I hand him the bag as he leans against the dresser, looking down on me in silence. When he brings the bag up to his left eye I am shocked by the color of his hands. His knuckles are torn open and his hair is drenched from the snow.

"Talk to Link yet?" He asks, disgust thick in his voice.

"I don't want to talk about him..." My eyes are burning and my hands are still shaking.

I was hoping Revali would start another topic to get my mind off of Link but he remains silent. His eyes still on me, he waits for me to say something. Or maybe he's just waiting for me to leave. Please don't make me leave... There is no one else I can go to. Sidon is probably taking care of Mipha, Link is cursing to himself in his room with a bag of frozen broccoli pressed against his nose. And Impa... Well...

I feel so much anger and frustration toward everyone... Link most of all. If he had just told Mipha or considered that she might have feelings for him we could have avoided all of this... Waiting until the morning to speak to him again scares me more than anything else. If he accepts that he has feelings for Mipha, I will lose him...

I take a deep breath and tell myself to calm down. It's not fair of me to blame Link for any of this. Pressuring Link into talking to Mipha was wrong of me to begin with... I kept thinking it was his duty to tell her but I should have stood by his side and offered to do it together. 

I hate the way I feel right now. I know Link cares about me, but I can't help but feel like he was just playing me like a stereotypical frat boy and that everything he ever said was just a sick, sociopathic lie. But that is really just my anger talking... I know better than that... I know he told the truth.

I was in the wrong to expect him to notice Mipha's feelings. All these years, I never noticed Impa's eyes on me, I never realized that her love was a different kind of love, or that she was hurting whenever she saw me with Link. Maybe I, too, was too distracted by Link to see what was really going on. Or maybe we are both just uncomprehending in the face of true love.

"How did you know about Impa?" I ask Revali now. He rarely spends any time with her. If he could see her true feelings so very clearly I must have been more than just self-absorbed... "Was I blind to miss it? Was I insensitive?"

"It wasn't that obvious," he says. "At the Halloween party I witnessed her little love vomit in the living room and got a little suspicious but I assumed that's just the way girls worship each other or some shit. What gave it away was her little breakdown last night."

"What breakdown?" I ask worried.

"After we got back from the bar, she stumbled into my room, totally disoriented. She told me she needs another bed to crash in since hers was taken by..." Revali clears his throat, kindly refraining from saying his name. "Long story short, she started crying. I couldn't understand a word she was saying but your name kept coming up and I just put one and one together. I helped her to Link's room, I don't think she remembers any of that though."

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