You and My Daughter

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"Where are you going?" Father asks when I pass the living room on my way out. I stop in my tracks to look back at him. He is sitting on the sofa, reading a book.

"I am meeting a friend," I answer.

"At 7 PM on a Sunday?"

"Yes? There is no curfew, remember?" Don't ruin my mood now, I am on my way to meet Link and don't want anything or anyone to spoil that.

"Trust me, I remember," he sighs, implying that I remind him every time he asks me where I'm going. "I'm just asking because dinner is almost ready."

"I was going to eat out."

"But it's the last day of the week."


"We agreed on dining together at least once a week. We haven't dined together this week, thus we are going to have dinner together tonight."

"But... my friend is waiting for me."

"Impa will understand, I'm sure."

"If it was Impa, I would have said Impa is waiting for me," I give him a hint.

"I see. You are meeting your male friend."

That is one way of putting it. "Yes."

"Unfortunately, we have a deal. He will have to wait."

"Are you serious?"

"We agreed on dining together once a week, remember?"

I squint my eyes at him. You dare use my own spells against me? "Trust me, I remember," I say through my teeth, clenching my jaw to hide my grin. His tone is soft, in no way polluted by power and hostility, and the way he cares more about our shared supper than the fact that I am meeting with a boy amuses me. "I will let my friend know that I will be late."

"Er, Zelda," he calls after me when I turn away from him to text Link. I look back at the sofa and wait for him to speak. He looks nervous, should I sit down? "Perhaps we should talk. About that... male friend." Yes, I should sit down.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask, taking a seat on the sofa opposite him.

"Is he... ahem... is he still... a friend?"

"I'm not sure I understand."

"You said you were going to initiate a romantic relationship with him in the near future. Has that been put into motion yet?"

An earthquake, a hurricane, tsunami–anything to interrupt this conversation. Please and thank you. "No. It hasn't."

I can see the relief wash over him. His whole body relaxes and I can even hear the sigh that falls from his lips. "So you haven't... er--" he clears his throat again, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to ask this..."

"Then don't," I say, tensing every muscle in my body. I know where he is going with this and I have little faith that a natural disaster will stop him in time.

"I think it's important we talk about these things."

"I disagree."

"Zelda, it is my duty as your father to ensure your safety."

"My safety?" I cringe.

"Have the two of you..." Please don't– "engaged in coitus?"

"Father!" I gasp and hide my glowing face behind my hands. Where is the maid when she is dearly needed? "With all due respect, this doesn't concern you."

"You are incorrect. As your father–"

"As my father, you should learn to respect my privacy," I squeak.

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