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"Even though Father promised her he wasn't going to fire her, she apologized numerous times and cried for at least ten more minutes. The maid is probably traumatized. Other than that, it went pretty well. After that, Link left, and Father and I hugged."

"You and Dr. High Rule hugged?" Impa asks astonished. She's been so distracted by the claw machine, I thought she wasn't listening at all.

"Yes," I nod.

"On purpose?"

"No, Impa, we accidentally hugged," I roll my eyes at her.

"Well I don't know? Maybe you tripped and fell into his arms? It's just hard to imagine. I don't remember the last time I saw you guys hug. He didn't even hug you at our graduation. My dad hugged you at our graduation."

"Your dad hugged half the school," I argue.

"Not my point."

"I know. But were you listening? The dinner actually went decently," I say excitedly.

"Sounds too good to be true. You sure your dad's not secretly plotting Link's death?"

"No, I think Father is trying not to like Link but can't help but admire him a little."

Impa turns toward me, studies my expression, and begins to smile. "Well, I'm happy for you then."

"Thanks. Everything is going to change now."

"Yeah? You gonna ask him out now?"

"Yes! This time next week, I will be his girlfriend." I grin from ear to ear. The butterflies in my stomach are as excited as those kids who just won a big plush on the other side of the arcade. They are screaming and cheering so loud that we can hear them through the noisy arcade music.

"Knowing you, you already know the exact date, time, and place, and have written a 5-page long love confession in MLA format with citations."

"I am going to ask him Monday night at the park where we ate dinner on our first date," I say proudly.

"You didn't deny the essay-length confession."

"I didn't write one," I say, looking the other way.

"Ah, you memorized it," she says, pulling a smug face.

"N-er-mh-maybe. It's a big step, okay? I need to be prepared. Becoming someone's girlfriend is scary. Especially since am the one who has to ask him."

"Imagine if he just said no," she laughs. I don't. What if he does say no... "Nope, don't even," she knocks on my head, "he's not going to say no so don't even stress over that."

"But what if–"

"Nope, nope," she knocks on my head again. "He's not going to say no."

I take a deep breath. "Okay."

Impa throws another chip into the claw machine and fails yet again to get a good grip on the plushy. "This is such bullshit. You have any idea how much cash I've invested in this piece of fluff? I could just order that stupid plushy online."

"So why don't you?"

"Because I've invested so much cash," she repeats as if it was a logical argument. "I can't give up now, otherwise all my other tries were for nothing. It also just feels fucking amazing to finally win that damn thing."

"How would you know?" I tease her.

"Har-har," she pulls out another chip. "This is my last Christmas chip," she mumbles as it drops into the machine.

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora