Final Secret

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We have all gathered in the living room, but none of us has said a single word in at least 30 seconds, which feels like an hour when six people are forced to uncomfortably sit together and tolerate one another. Link and I are sitting on the sofa, some distance between us, Mipha is sitting opposite of us, Impa has taken a seat on the carpet, Sidon is standing by the window next to his sister, and Revali is standing furthest away from any of us, his arms crossed as he judges us in silence.

"I thought four hours would be more than enough for you guys to make up but if it's going like this, I better get started on packing," Revali rolls his eyes and turns away.

"Where are you going?" I ask when he starts walking toward the stairs.

"Packing!" he scoffs.

"Excuse me, but this was your idea," I say.

"Yeah but I'm not part of your drama."

"Er, yes, you are." He stops and looks over his shoulder as I stand to my feet. "You are hurt and upset, just like any of us. So you're part of this."

"No, thank you."

"If you can't be honest about how you feel, why should we?"

"I feel fine, that's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I'm not the one who's been lying to all of you for months."

"So you're not upset at all?" I challenge him.

"I'm always upset. Doesn't change the fact that I'm fine."

"Why are you upset?"

He turns around and clenches his fists. "Take a guess, Princess! Look at my goddamn face! I'm pissed at Link, but you all already know that. I'm not hiding or denying that. Can I go now? I have no interest in participating in your group therapy."

"Link is not the only person you're upset with," I say calmly.

"No," Revali glances at Mipha and steps back into the living room. "I'm upset with all of you. Every one of you has been acting like a child and somehow I always get pulled into your guys' mess."

I want to take a look at Mipha to see her reaction to his words but I keep my eyes on Revali instead. I don't know how to act right now, I just want to put all of this behind me. I think we all want that. Maybe we really have to just be honest about all our feelings and figure out how to fix this mess.

"I'm sorry for hitting you," Link suddenly says. Revali looks disgusted, but I think he might just put that face on to hide how surprised he is by Link's words.

"I don't really care if you're sorry," Revali looks away.

"We're supposed to be honest," I scold Revali and sit back down on the sofa.

"I am being honest. I don't care if he's sorry. I'm not sorry for hitting him and I certainly don't regret it," Revali sighs and, with a smile, aims his eyes at Link. "Truth is, I was quite satisfied to finally get a reaction from you. It was fun to see you so angry."

"You're welcome then, I guess," Link mirrors Revali's smile.

"Is that all?" I ask Revali in a soft tone.

"No." His eyes narrow at Mipha. "I'm furious with you too. Not because you turned me down, you had every right to reject me, but running off to kiss Link was an insolent moral revulsion. Honestly Mipha, what the hell... That was..." he lets out a sigh and tenses his jaw. "Hearing you kissed him hurt more than Link bruising my face."

"I'm really sorry," Mipha tears up and keeps her head low. "I know I shouldn't have done that. But when you gave me that keychain and opened up to me, I finally felt the courage to confess my feelings to Link..."

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