Happy Birthday

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"Little bird!" Urbosa nearly crushes my spine in her embrace. "Not so little anymore. Happy birthday, Dear."

"Thank you." I give her a weak smile as our hug loosens far too soon.

"I know you don't celebrate your birthday, so I appreciate you stopping by, allowing me to give you your gift."

"A gift? Urbosa you know I don't like gifts."

"You tell me every year," she laughs. "And yet I still found something of mine I wanted you to have. Oh, and I also have something from my best friend."

"You mean..."

"Your mother," she confirms my assumption.

What might this be? Another letter? One actually written by her this time?

"I don't want to keep you, so I'll make it quick," Urbosa walks over to her duffel bag and returns with a tiny box and a potted plant.

"That's a Stargazer," I identify the hybrid lily. "But how is it blue? They only come in pink, yellow, and white."

"Your mother planted it the day you were born. I don't know how she got it to grow in blue colors, it was an experiment, I suppose. She named it the Silent Princess. She was a science geek like you, always eager to discover new things. You know, she was getting her Master's in archeology when she met your father. But then she found an interest in botany. Long story short, a few days before her departing, she asked me to take care of the Silent Princess for a little while. I didn't know it would be one of our last conversation. 18 years later and here we are... I think you should have it now."

I take the unique plant into my arms and take a careful look at it. Mother created this and Urbosa cared for it all these years, I don't recognize the feelings that come with holding this plant. It's just a flower but my heart is oddly attached to it.

"Thank you Urbosa," I say and hug her.

Urbosa cups my cheeks and studies my face.

"My, my... Look at yourself. What a beautiful woman you have become. You have accomplished more in your 18 years than others in a lifetime. I hope you know that I am extremely proud of you. As is your mother."

"Thank you," now the tears are breaking free and I don't stop them. She hugs me again, getting a little emotional herself.

"Don't ever let anyone convince you that you have to be satisfied. Not until you're truly happy. No matter how hard it gets, you just keep going until you reach contentment. I know it's not always that easy... The world can turn dark sometimes but just because you can't see, doesn't mean you are alone. You will never be alone, you hear me?" She says and I nod and sniffle. "When darkness falls over you, just remember; you are your own light. Here, don't let me forget to give this too."

Urbosa opens the little box, revealing a delicate gold ring with a tiny ruby sitting on top. I've seen her wear it, along with many more pieces of jewelry.

"Are you proposing to me?" I laugh, wiping the emotions from my soaked cheekbones.

"You are of marriage age now," she shrugs and joins my laughter. "I'm kidding, of course. This is just a little family tradition. This ring is actually a placeholder. Wear it until your special someone replaces it with an engagement ring. And then you keep it in a box to give to your own daughter one day."

"Urbose," I gasp in wonder. "Does this mean your mother wore it before you?"

"She and many other great women in our family. The ruby was mined in India in 1802."

"I can't possibly accept this," I try handing it back but she shakes her head and folds my hands around the little box.

"I will never be able to have a child of my own," she says, the sorrow strangling her voice but she shakes it off with a smile. "And that's okay. Because I already have you, and I love you like a daughter."

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora