Stranger in the Hallway

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I wake up slowly. Where am I?

A warm light fills the room. I squint my eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness. I can feel his body under mine. Yesterday night... I tried to stay awake and told myself I'd get up and go home but after a lovely hour of talking to Link about his life in Japan, I allowed myself to fall asleep in his arms. Looks like he fell asleep too.

I get up carelessly, waking the sleeping beauty. I'd rather admit to having fallen asleep by accident but the truth is I was too scared to go home.

"I have to go home," I say nervously when Link's eyes open. I'm already by the door, not feeling any braver than last night.

I can't believe I fell asleep with Link- Again. He has a frighteningly calming effect on me. When I am with him I can relax in the most unfamiliar way. I feel safe with him. Now I have to return home after staying out and ignoring calls all night long.

Link's window is slightly open, birds are singing their morning melodies outside and there is no awful music playing downstairs. Most people are probably gone now. I tap the screen of Link's phone to check the time. It's still early; 6.37 AM.

"Do you need a ride?" Link asks, covering his eyes with his forearm.

"I drove here," I say, my hands searching my pockets. I throw my head back and groan; Impa has my keys.

I put my head against the door and listen closely. No voices. After I unlock the door I look back at Link.

"Good luck today," I whisper and a smile appears beneath his arm.

"See you tonight," he says in response, making me blush more than I already am. I almost forgot about our date.

"Er, Link?"

He moves his arm to look at me and waits for me to speak.

"Father might take my phone away," I sigh. "If I don't text you today, you know why."

"They didn't have technology during the middle Ages either. I'll just pick you up with a horse," he smiles and covers his eyes again, ready to drift off into sleep.

"Send an owl with a letter first," I joke, but I don't think he'll get that reference.

I leave the room quietly, half smiling, half worried. I am not ready to face Father, but I have to. Whatever may come, I will have to stand tall like Link. I can do this. Deep breaths.

The hallway is empty but the floor is littered in empty cups. Once I reach the stairs I can see the living room area. People are sleeping on the floor, on chairs, on the table even, and a couple lucky ones found space on the couch. Sadly, no sign of Impa. I wonder if her boyfriend was here too and if they are still here, perhaps in one of the rooms upstairs.

I enter the kitchen just to check if she's here but she isn't. I need my keys. I can't even call her since my phone is dead. Karson is sleeping on the couch so I nudge him until he opens one eye.

"Hm?" he groans.

"Karson, where's Impa?" I ask him quietly.

"Car," he answers and rubs his face.

"What do you mean?"

"She said she was going to wait for you in the car."

"Oh. Thanks." That would have been the last place I would have looked.

I leave the frat house and cross the street to where my car is parked. I want to open the door but it's locked. Impa is sleeping in the back. My knuckles hit the window lightly, waking her up. She unlocks the door and I sit down in the driver seat. Her hair is messy and her makeup smudged.

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