The Way You're Breaking Me

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I can hardly see the road. The lights of the oncoming cars are a mess of blurred flares. I keep rubbing against my neck but it won't come off. It won't come off! I check the rear-view mirror. I think it's growing bigger! And the tears continue to block the road. I have to stop crying, all these lights are smeared across the windshield, making it impossible to drive safely.

I kept thinking to myself that it'll be fine, that I can just ignore it and have a nice evening with Link despite the incident in the tunnel. I thought for sure Link could distract me enough to forget all about Karusa for a little while but then I realized that Link will run amok if he sees the hickey, not out of jealousy but detestation and hostility.

I left the frat house immediately. Without a word to anyone, I ran out the front door, down the road to my car, and finally broke down in tears when I drove off. It feels like I've only been driving for a few minutes but I'm almost home. I think I'm speeding. I'm not really sure. I can't even remember half the drive. I just want to get rid of this thing on my skin as quickly as possible and return to Link's safe arms.

I check the mirror again while I wait for the front gate to open. I want it gone! I can't catch my breath! Every time I try to take a breath I choke on the air and spit it right back out. I can still feel his lips on my skin! I want this feeling to go away! Rubbing my neck won't erase the image in my head. His cold touch, his hands on my skin, I can't take this! I've been pushing the thoughts away all day and now they come crashing down at once.

Having parked the car, I dig my nails into the steering wheel and hold my breath. My chest is prancing visibly, out of rhythm and out of breath. I have to calm down. I can't go inside like this. I need to just get this over with. Wash my skin, put some makeup on the bruise, maybe change my clothes... Yes, I think I want to change my clothes... And then I can go back to the frat house and take care of Link...

I close my eyes and exhale slowly. I have to force myself not to think about Karusa. If I do, I will break down in front of Father and the staff.

I'm shaking... Will he notice it?

I get out and walk up to the tall doors. Dorian is there and greets me with an uncertain nod but I don't speak to him. Did I close my car door? Who cares? I'll be back in a minute anyway.

"Good evening, Miss Hyrule," the maid welcomes me in the foyer. Her eyes are avoiding mine and her nervous smile worries me. Are my eyes puffy?

"Is that her?" I hear Father from his study. He sounds upset. His footsteps get louder as he approaches us. "Are you out of your mind? I was worried sick! I called at least ten times! Where were you?" he asks in a voice that is already accusing me of something.

Where was I? Where did I tell him I was going? My thoughts are so lost right now.

"I was with Impa," I reply.

"I should have known it had to do with her.... You would never be so stupid to actually go there alone."

"Go where? We were at her dorm." 

"Really? Doing what? Studying?" He raises an eyebrow and scowls. Something about his tone intensifies my shivering. "I thought you had matured but I stand corrected. We had a deal and you went behind my back. You broke every single one of my rules. Lifting your curfew was premature, I will reinforce the rules. All of them. Until you act appropriately for your age. If you slip again I will have you drop your biology course before the end of the semester!"

I can't even think straight. My mind is clouded by fear. He already wants me to change my major but now he's threatening to change my schedule mid-semester?

"W-what?" I rub my eyes. They're burning from all the tears they shed on the way here.

"Are you high?" Father's hand grips my jaw and keeps my head in place. He's hurting me! I feel like I'm back in that tunnel, seized by Karusa! Help!

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang