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Just as he told me last night, Link doesn't show up for English. I doubt he slept at all last night. If he practices all day again he'll be too worn out to play tonight. I'm sure he knows his limits but I still worry. The night we had our first kiss he told me how much he fears failure. Especially when it comes to the Boars since that's the only team Hyrule hasn't beat. I don't know if I will be able to comfort him if they lose tonight.

I keep thinking about our call last night as I'm waiting for Impa in the cafeteria. I stopped sending Link messages after our facetime call because I didn't want to distract him any more than I already did. I have this awful feeling that he is upset with me and I don't know how to fix it. I can't confront him without interrupting his concentration but ignoring our fight feels just as wrong. Was it even a real fight?

I see Impa entering the cafeteria and walk up to her before she spots me.

"Hey," I hug her, happy to see her. "I'm so glad you didn't bring a fruit cake this time. I think I've had enough cake for a lifetime."

"I figured as much."

"Where do you want to go? Or do you want to eat at the cafeteria for once like a normal human being?"

"Normal? Don't insult me," she laughs. "I actually can't have lunch with you today, sorry. I have a training session with Coach. He got me an MMA fight and it's soon, like right before the court date, and if it's my last fight, I want to make it count."

"It won't be your last," I frown. "Unless you kill your opponent. And even then you'll probably continue getting in fights in prison."

"You know me too well." She hands me a bag of chips. "A substitute for the piece of cake I usually bring."

"You don't have to give me anything, I don't expect you to."

"That's an awfully big amount of words just to say thank you."

"And that's a strange way of saying you're welcome," I counter.

"We should hang out this weekend, unless you have plans with Link."

"Friday night at Daruk's is a given. Dinner's on me," I tell her. "And I don't have plans with Link, not yet at least. He's been a bit distant lately."

"Oh, that's right, big game tonight. Are you going?"

"Yes, I have to."

"I'll come too. Ganon's playing, right? Dickhead still owes me a good fight."

"Stop. He carries a knife, don't ever get in a fight with him."

"Fine, I won't," she raises both hands and her lips shape into a smirk.

"I'm serious, Impa. Please let it go."

"I said fine, didn't I?"

"Yes. Thank you." I don't know if I believe her but I don't want to fight.

I walk her over to the gym. At least the weather looks decent today. I've been checking the forecast all morning; no chance of rain. That eliminates one of a trillion things that could lead to Link getting injured.

"So what time will you be leaving today?" Impa asks me, finishing her granola bar as we approach the building.

"After Biology. I'll tell Professor Astor that I am going to be absent today."

"Just tell Pik to tell the professor. He's in that class too, isn't he?"

"Pik and I aren't speaking at the moment," I admit hesitantly.

"Does he know? 'Cause I just saw him and he greeted me and asked how you're doing. Did something happen between you two? Did he... He didn't, did he?"

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now