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After my short confrontation with Revali, I check the time and realize that I'm running late for class! I arrive at the planetarium, breathless and panicked and stand in front of a closed door. This is a nightmare. I've never been late in my entire life.

I open the door quietly and slowly, hoping that I'll be able to sneak in unnoticed, but the whole class is sitting in utter darkness until the light falling from the hallway fills the room. Everyone turns to look at me and the professor halts their speech.

"Who is that?" The professor says, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Er... I..." I stutter. I hate this. This is horrible. "I'm new to this class."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I'm..." I really don't want to tell the entire class that I, Zelda Hyrule, am late.

"Speak, or leave," he demands, standing in the center of the circular room.

"My name... My name is Zelda..."

"Rhoam's daughter?" His eyes scan me from head to toes and his frown curls into a horrid smile. "You're late."

"My apologies, it won't happen again."

"Take a seat or leave. Either way, I'm marking you absent."

"But I'm here now," I dare speak up against the professor. "I won't interrupt the class again, I promise."

"I suggest you do not argue my decisions! If you had read the syllabus, you'd know that being late results in an absence, which will affect your grade."

I did read the syllabus, and I do remember it saying just that, but it's not my fault that I'm late. It can't end now, I need a second chance, a chance to explain myself. I want to blame Link and Revali, but the bottom line is, I was late and I can't argue that. I knew I shouldn't have confronted Revali. Is this my fault after all? There is no one to blame but myself. I should have stayed out of it. I feel nauseous, my legs threaten to collapse to the spinning floor... I think I might pass out.

Two arms snake around me, giving me the support to hold myself up.

"It's okay, I got you" Pik's soft voice whispers as he helps me stand. "Come on, let's sit."

He walks me to the chairs and lets me down slowly. I almost forgot that he was in this class too. My brain is all scrambled. What just happened? What am I going to do? Wake up, please, please wake up from this nightmare. Pik opens his notebook, writes something down, rips the corner off, and hands it to me.

*We can't talk during class, it's forbidden* reads his note.

I ignore it and just stare into nothingness while the professor continues his lecture. The room is dark, apart from the projection of stars and galaxies above our heads. What an unfortunate setting... I really do feel like I'm in space, there is no oxygen for me to breathe.

Pik hands me another note. *Are you okay?*

That's when the tears start falling. I can't help it. I'm terrified of what will happen next and the way my body is shaking isn't helping. I crush his note in my trembling hand. What am I going to do now? I lean forward and bury my face in my hands, hoping to hide behind the chairs so that no one else will see me cry. Trying not to make a sound is only intensifying the pain in my chest but all I can do is pray to make it through the lecture and speak to the professor afterward. Pik's hand rubs my back compassionately.

"Let's step outside," he whispers close to my ear but I shake my head and feel my lungs quaking and craving for air.

"You are already marked absent. Sitting here like this isn't doing any good."

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now