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I make it to the planetarium fifteen minutes before class starts. Pik and I are not allowed to sit next to each other today so we leave an empty chair between us and go over our notes for the remaining time.

"What is the distance between Earth and the center of the Milky Way?" Pik quizzes me.

"25,000 light years."

"And what is at the center?"

"A black hole and Sagittarius A*."

"I'm impressed, that second part wasn't even on the flashcard."

"I memorized little facts about each answer with the hopes of receiving some extra credit," I say proudly and exhale slowly. I'm getting pretty nervous now. "Hey, what time is it? I've already turned my phone off so..."

He looks at his phone's lock screen, his wallpaper is a photo of himself with a blonde actress, dressed as Drew and Sherrie from the musical Rock of Ages.

"It's 5.54," he reads the time.

"Do you mind watching my stuff for a minute? I want to run to the bathroom before class starts."

"Sure, just be back before 6 PM," he laughs.

"Trust me, I will never be late again."

There is a bathroom right around the corner of the hallway so it's not a far walk at all. It's empty, I sigh in relief. For a few seconds I simply stand in front of the mirror, telling myself it'll be fine. I studied hard enough, I've memorized every question and every page from the textbook. Deep breaths. Deep... breaths... I shut my eyes and go over the flashcards burned into my memory. I've got this. I tell myself over and over until only a minute remains until the beginning of class.

After splashing some cold water in my face I return to the planetarium just seconds before Professor Astor follows inside and shuts the door behind him. Sooga and Khoga are already handing out the exam, face down, while the professor makes his way to the center of the room.

I exchange a look of dread and anxiety for a soothing look from Pik. "Good luck," he mouths. I gulp and he smiles. How can he be so calm?

"Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. You may receive an F in this course and are likely to face immediate and permanent expulsion," Professor Astor warns his students in a dry tone. "There are ten different exams so don't bother copying from your neighbor. If you disturb the class during the test you will be asked to leave and your paper will be graded the way it is at that very moment. When you're done you may turn in the paper and leave the room quietly. You have two hours, 70 questions. Black and blue ink only. You may start."

My heart must be racing faster than Earth can spin. I fill out my name and the date and turn the page to the first question. I only have to read the first three words to know the answer, but I read the whole question anyway, just to be sure. No multiple choice. That's fine, I've got this. Next question. Pik and I have practiced this one so many times, he had a feeling the professor would ask this. And so it goes on, question after question, and my confidence is rising like the sun on Jupiter. I have a pretty good feeling about this.

Time goes by and the professor and Khoga are keeping a close eye on everyone. Where did the big guy go? No, I can't let myself get distracted. I can feel my concentration dwindling, stay focused!

"60 minutes," the professor informs the class.

I turn to the fourth page. 10 questions and one hour left. If I can finish this and review it within the next fifteen minutes I can watch the final minutes of Link's game. Argh, I'm getting distracted again. Sports is not my priority right now. Question number 60... I have to draw the different types of galaxies for this one. I bet Pik will make it look like an artwork. I look over to him, he notices it and sends me a smile along with a wink. No distractions, my eyes return to my exam.

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