A Terrible Idea

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(Here's the Thinking About You playlist I listen to when I write. It's mainly sad songs because I can concentrate better when it's acoustic music. Hope you like it! ^^ <3


I keep refreshing the page but my final grades remain a mystery. I wish my professors were faster at grading exams. I am so anxious to find out how I did. I had to guess twice during my economics final... I need to know if I got it right! 

Link's hand pushes against the back of my laptop to close it and when I glare up at him he defeats my scornful expression with a warm smile.

"They won't post your grades today," he says calmly.

"It's already Tuesday! The professors have had 4 full days now to grade the exams. Finals week is over, they should give us our scores already," I complain.

"It's winter break. I think they have better things to do than grade our tests."

"It's cruel! How can they do this to us? And why are you so calm about it? Isn't this bugging you at all? Aren't you curious to know how you did?"

"Eh, I'm not exactly dying to see my scores."

He joins me on the bed as I open my laptop again. "Are you done packing?" I ask him while I hit refresh for the 500th time today. Still nothing.

"Pretty much," he answers.

I look at the duffle bag next to his snowboard. "What about Revali? Sidon will be here any minute."

Link shrugs his shoulders. I get up and leave his room to knock on Revali's door. When he doesn't answer I open the door to peek inside.

"Which one do you like better?" Revali asks me, his eyes aiming at two scarves laid out on his bed.

"Why didn't you answer the door or say something when I knocked?" I ask.

"Because you come in anyways." He's not wrong. "So? Which one?"

"The beige one," I say.

"Really? I kinda like the blue scarf though."

"I know Mipha likes beige," I tease him, knowing he is only trying to look good for her.

"Hm... I'll bring both."

He walks over to his bags and places both scarfs, perfectly folded, on top of his other clothes. I spot his quiver and the tip of his bow is peeking out from beneath his clothes.

"You're not bringing your bow," I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Why not? I'm an archer."

"It's a ski vacation. Find another way to show off."

"That's not even why..." he mumbles more words and removes his bow and arrows with a loud sigh. "Don't you have anything better to do than to stand there and watch me pack?"

"Not really," I laugh. He's doing a good job at distracting me from my grades. 

"They're here," Kafei calls from downstairs.

"Hurry now," I tell Revali and head back to Link's room. This is so exciting! My first vacation with Link!

Link is wearing what he's always wearing; a hoodie and sweatpants. He picks up his bag and snowboard. I carry his boots, helmet, and my own bag. Before I leave to take our luggage downstairs, I spot his gloves on his nightstand and already know he is going to forget to pack them if I don't say something.

"Don't forget your gloves. And where is your jacket? You're not going like this, are you?"

"It's in the bag. I'm not going to wear it during the drive. It's like 70 degrees outside. Hey, are we taking your car or mine?"

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