I Don't Hate You Too

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I look out the large windows, it's already pitch black out. I wonder if the pizza guy got lost or if he doesn't know how to use the speaker at the front gate. Maybe the security guard sent him away thinking it was some prank.

"What time is it?" I ask Link, wondering if it's still my birthday.

"Past your curfew," he says cheeky and shows me his lock screen but instead of reading the time I look at the picture of us tangled up in the volleyball net.

"You have to change that wallpaper. As in right now," I tell him embarrassed. Somebody will see it sooner or later. Better turn it into never.

"Make me."

"Oh, are we going to have a problem?" I hold up both fists and take a slow swing at him.

"Oh no, I'm scared," the most genuine laugh falls from his lips and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He leans back on the sofa, away from me, and grabs a pillow to shield his body.

"Change it," I demand, tossing the pillow to the floor. He shakes his head and holds his phone up high as bait. I crawl closer and reach for it but he moves his hand even higher.

"Give me," I stretch my arm to grab it, lose my balance, and drop onto his torso.

Both our hands are clutching the phone and neither one is letting go first. I don't care that we're both beginning to blush, I'm not moving off of him until he hands me the phone or deletes that photo of us. But he just keeps grinning at me like a little brat.

He's so different when he's alone with me. I doubt anyone else has ever seen him this silly and carefree. I love that I can make him feel so untroubled. And I love that he does the same to me.

"Quick time out," he breathes. "Why are you wearing an engagement ring?"

"I am to be wed to the most suitable prince," I say with a thick British accent and let out a short laugh. "Now change your wallpaper!"

"I don't think I will."

"Change it!" I tuck at the phone.

"Tell me about the ring and maybe I will change my wallpaper."

"You're so nosy."

"And you are bossy."

"It was a gift from Urbosa."


"Now change it!"

"Okay, okay, don't hurt me please," he finally agrees with a smirk, "Just let go and I'll change it."

"Yeah right. I'm not that gullible."

"I promise, I'll change it."

"Hm," I peer at him. "No tricks."

I let go slowly. Link opens the front camera and takes a very quick and candid selfie of us. It's a little blurry but you can easily make out the image.

"There, this will be my new wallpaper," he laughs.

"You must feel so clever right now," I glare at him and try to snatch the phone but he tucks it between the sofa and his back where I definitely can't reach it. This photo is even worse than the last; it's at my home, with me lying on top of him, intentionally this time.

"Are you ticklish?" I poke his sides but he doesn't flinch.

"No, but I take it you are," his hands reach for my waist and I cheep.

He squeezes, sending electricity through my bones, and laughs as I try to wiggle off of him. We end up crashing onto the carpet and burst into more laughter. He's on top now, holding himself up just slightly above my chest to give me enough room to breathe, but not enough that I could move.

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