Thinking About You

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The game ends with a score of 1:0 for the Hyrule Eagles. Fans are cheering and celebrating for a few minutes and the losing team gets interviewed while the winning team talks to their fans and the coach.

Impa and I keep our distance for now and stay in our seats. Link refuses to talk to anyone, but his team seems to be used to it. They stand with their backs to him like a wall, separating him from his fans. They accept his distant and even rude manner because they know he is their key to victory. Once both teams have gone into the locker rooms the stadium clears and Impa and I wait until we remain the only people.

"Are you sure he'll be back?" I ask Impa after some time has passed.

"He usually practices more after the games, so yes."

"Does he ever take a break?"

Impa shrugs. A couple soccer players reenter the field with blue duffel bags hanging over their shoulders. I spot Link at the end of the line, still wearing his jersey and bright crimson shoes. When he sees me standing by the exit, he stops walking.

"What's up, Impa!" The goalkeeper gives her a high five when he passes us. He's so much taller when standing right in front of him.

"Nice catch today! They almost scored," she says and he thanks her.

Domidak stops in front of us with a somewhat dazed stare on Impa. She doesn't even notice him while she's talking to the keeper.

"Hey Domidak," I say to wake him from his trance.

"You never said you were friends with Impa," he says under his breath.

"I didn't? Well I must have failed to mention it during our 20-second conversation in which you called me a gullible little fangirl."

"Yeah, sorry about that," he says, totally absent from his mind. Someone has the hots for Impa. I'm not surprised... She's gorgeous, tall, strong, funny, confident, and determined. Everything I am insecure about.

"See you tomorrow night!" Impa calls after her friend as he leaves with the rest of the team.

"Tomorrow night?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"There's a party at the frat house," she explains. "He's my beer pong buddy."

"Ah, I see. Are we still planning on going to Daruk's?"

She laughs and puts her arm around my shoulders.

"Are you jealous of Karson? Don't be, I'll still go to dinner with you."

She notices Domidak and greets him but he has lost his voice. Men always turn into dorks around their crushes. Even Revali's gale was nothing but a soft breeze under the spell of Mipha's grace. I turn my head to look over at Link standing on the field with a soccer ball under his arm. He doesn't act like Domidak or Revali when he's with me. What does that tell me? I feel so nauseous, can I please just get this over with?

I give Impa a desperate look and gesture at Domidak with my eyes.

"Let's talk outside," she tells him and he nearly faints.

Her voice fades away as they walk outside and I am left alone with Link.

My legs feel like they are missing their bones when I step onto the soccer field. I know why Link doesn't act like Domidak around me... If there is always one dork and one gem, I'm the dork. I'm the one making a fool out of myself. And he must see that too. He made it pretty clear that he doesn't want to talk to me, just like I did last week. But then I kissed him, which must have confused him as much as when he tried to hold my hand. Maybe we both don't know what we're doing. Though I had my reasons not to speak to him, and now I want to hear his reasons too so that I can stop analyzing his behavior.

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