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Nice to Meet you

Definition ~

○Thoughts are Louder (n.)○

Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal.

Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal

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Walking into the kitchen. A middle-aged woman, who looked amazing for her age. Stood by the basin, washing some vegetables. She turned around at the sound of us entering. "Oh My God, you are stunning!" She squealed in a deep Italian accent.

"This is Chantel. My mother," Harrison spoke as Chantel walked towards me, embracing me in a big hug. I looked back at him as he was so prim and proper suddenly. He didn't even look his mother in the eye or any woman when we entered, I had noticed. Out of respect?

"Granted Harrison," Chantel spoke, letting go of the big hug. He didn't look them in the eye, without them permitting him.

Looking my body up and down, she spoke "I am so sorry for your losses, Aideen. Your Mother Aguilera Mara and your Father, Lorenzo Capone." She embraced me once again. A tortuous memory of my parents flash over my mind, knowing she was trying to be kind.

That memory still hurts.

I looked back at Harrison mouthing, "Help me" as he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Rolling my eyes, thinking back on Harrison's past. He was raised in a prim and proper household. His mother was not always home, but when she was, she was like a royal. Harrison's mother never knew her father. He left when Chantel's mother fell pregnant at a young age. So, her mother taught her how to be a prim lady, as she has taught Harrison to be a proper man.

But he is only acting like this in front of his mother. I thought it was funny, as Harrison acts like he was a big bad wolf. Yet in the presence of his mother, he is a mommy's boy.

Chantel let go of the hug as another woman walked into the kitchen. She looks too rich to be a servant. Wearing a pink designer suit with gold accessories. To my assumption, this woman is Chantel's friend.

She was a beautiful, middle-aged Chinese woman, who had that Asian mother's voice; the stern type. Looking like she was in her late 30s, but I knew she was around Harrison's mother's age. Around the early '50s; late '40s.

Chantel walked over to the basin to finish washing the vegetables for what I assumed was lunch. Maybe a salad or something of some sort.

I stood, leaning against the wall of the kitchen with my arms crossed. Harrison stood up straight with his hands by his side, like this is some sort of boot camp. Definitely a mama's boy. I smiled at the thought.

The new woman gave me a stern look, up and down, dropping 5 bags from Louis Vuitton on the kitchen island. "Who are you?" She asked sternly. "I am Aideen. How are you?" I questioned, bringing my hand towards her for a hearty handshake. Her eyes widened at my hand; shocked by my gesture, her face tightened in horror. "Such confidence. Too much for my liking", She stated. Excuse me?

"You may greet me, Harrison" My head shifted to Harrison, who was looking at the ground. Rising it up to look at her and greet her. She nodded her head in regard.

"So, who do you belong to?" She spoke with her deep Chinese accent. Belong? I am not some type of dog. "I belong to no one," I spoke politely, but sternly. My eyes shifted to Harrison's mother; Chantel. Who gave me a sad look?

Realised this household is a loving and calm place, not full of anger and hatred like mine. I stood up from leaning against the wall and apologize. If I want to impress them, I need to do everything dignified. "Sorry for my confidence. I need to control my tone."

"Aww angel, it's not the confidence. It's the physical attitude you give off." The woman approached me as I stood up straight, just like Harrison.

"Your legs!" She kicked my legs together. "Your stomach!" She hit my stomach, and my body sucked it in. "Chest!" She grabbed my breast and pushed them up. What the hell is happening!!

"Your back. Straight!" She grabbed my shoulder, pulling them up, standing me straight.

She stood back and looked over me like I was a piece of art she was proud of. "Now smile," I did as I was told. "Perfect." She spoke. Looking back at Chantel, who was clapping with joy. I can't believe this woman, just fixed my standing.

"Now! No screaming, no shouting, no guns, no knives, no drugs. Just school, work and family. You understand!" She spoke deeply in a commander's voice. She wasn't shouting, but it was loud and stern. I nodded my head yes.

"Fantastic. You're a lady Aideen. We are beautiful, powerful, elegant, and deadly. Live by that." I nodded my head yes. But I can kill you quickly.

"But you are just too confident. Nothing else. Change it. No one likes an ego-fulled woman." Well, Harrison does. Who else do I impress?

I nodded my head, yes, not letting a single thought leave my mouth. "Good" She walked to the fridge and opened it. Pulling out a bottle of cold champagne. She interlocked her arms with Chantel. Lifting their arms in the air, in celebration. "Come on! Let's celebrate your return, Harrison!"

Chantel giggled and walked out of the kitchen with her. I don't even know her name yet.

"And my name is Ju, Mrs Barone," Ju spoke to me before leaving the room with Chantel.

As they left, Harrison burst out laughing. I relaxed my whole body as I stood there like an idiot; feeling my core stinging from holding my breath.

"Problem?" I coughed, catching my breath. He just laughed.
"Does your mother scare you?" I asked.
"Does Ju scare you?" He asked.

We both chuckled and then followed them outside. These huge Venetian doors opened to a patio, overlooking the Waterfront.

Finally, something away from business life.

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