Billy Hargrove X Reader - Ceilings

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A/N - This chapter wasn't really inspired by anything, but I was listening to the song Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine on repeat today. It's going to be a sad one, so sorry about that, and also, the reader is hit at some point, but it's not actually described. I hope you all enjoy it.

"I can't believe I got dress-coded over this," you muttered, already sweltering from the mid-august sunshine outside, and now having to wear a jacket through all of your classes for the rest of the day. "It's like 90° outside and they expect us to dress like it's winter or something," you pressed on, letting out a disgruntled sigh as you poked at your lunch with the prongs of your fork.

Billy snorted slightly. "Maybe if you didn't dress like such a slut-"

"There's nothing slutty about wearing a tank top," you bit at him, silencing him before he could finish his sentence and watching as a smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"There is the way you wear 'em." He looked far too proud of his comment, his grin so bright that it made the frustration grow in your stomach.

"Funny," you uttered quietly. "From where I'm sitting, there's only one slut at this table, and it definitely isn't me. I'm in a committed relationship, Billy. You sleep with any girl who's stupid enough to put out."

He hesitated for a moment, head tilting to the side. "God, you think you're such a good girl, don't you?" he uttered, watching you shrug slightly, a small smile pulling at the corners of your lips. "Good girls don't wear tops that show off their tits to every boy in school, especially when their boyfriends are right there," he added, smirking when your smile completely dropped.

"I wasn't showing them off-"

"Keep telling yourself that, Princess," he interrupted. "But from where I was standing, you were pretty willing to give everyone an eyeful." He'd gotten to his feet as he finished his sentence, sending you a cocky smile and a wink, headed out of the cafeteria, and leaving you seething surrounded by your collection of joint friends. It had always been this way. Billy would make fun and you would get all worked up and the two of you would spend the entire lunch break bickering. And everyone else would just sit there, silently watching as the entertainment played out in front of them. It was childish, you knew it was, but you couldn't help yourself. He had this innate ability to get on your last nerve without even trying. So, you argued and made fun of one another to let the frustration out.

*Time Skip*

Billy hadn't been expecting company when there was a knock on his bedroom door, and then Max's head had poked around it to look at him. "There's a girl at the door for you," she murmured. "She looks really upset."

"Did you get a name?"

Max shook her head. "She's crying."

Billy let out a disgruntled sigh. "Did you tell her I was home?"

Max swallowed before nodding. "She looked so upset; I didn't know what else to do-"

He rolled off of his bed, landing on his feet with a grunt and nudging Max out of the way as he headed for the front door. He really hadn't been expecting to find you on the other side, tears staining your cheeks and looking so heartbroken that even he felt a little bad for you.


"I'm sorry," you interrupted. "I didn't know where else to go," you pressed on, sniffling as you wiped away your tears with the sleeve of your t-shirt.

Billy nodded, letting out a soft sigh before stepping out of your way to let you inside. As soon as you stepped over the threshold, out of the dark and into the sharp overhead lights, a purpling bruise became visible right below your left eye, and there was a split down the middle of your bottom lip, and Billy's jaw tensed.

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