Billy Hargrove X Reader - Special

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Special by Lizzo. For this one, I imagined the reader to be a plus-sized girl, but feel free to read it no matter your shape or size. This is set when Billy and Reader are both adults (21+). I hope you all enjoy it.

Billy was pretty confident that when you walked into the bar he was working in, he had never seen anyone as beautiful as you. I mean, the dress you were wearing looked so damn pretty on you that he'd had to tear his attention away from you before you could catch him staring. And then, you had posted yourself up at the bar and sent him the sweetest smile he had ever seen. 

"What can I get for you, Darlin" he hummed out, watching as you glanced away from him, avoiding his eye contact as best you could. 

"Oh, I'm just waiting on someone-"

Of course, you were. If you weren't already in a committed relationship, there wasn't a chance in hell that a girl like you wasn't inundated with date offers every day of the week. Billy was pretty certain he would see one of the most attractive guys in the world come strolling in any moment now and immediately beeline to you. 

"Okay," he uttered quietly, offering up that smile again. "Give me a shout when you're ready to order."

He'd gone about busying himself after that, prepping for the inevitable rush that was bound to come along at some point in the evening. But an hour later, he was becoming increasingly aware that you still hadn't ordered a drink, still sitting by yourself at the end of the bar, picking apart a napkin into tiny shreds. 

"I definitely can't tempt you into a drink?" He hummed, moving to lean opposite you, a small, sad smile playing on his lips. "On the house, of course," he pressed on. 

You hesitated for a moment, glancing up at him with the saddest eyes he had ever seen. "He's not coming, is he?" you murmured, biting down on the inside of your cheek as you attempted to stop the sadness from overwhelming you. 

"You sure you got the right place?"

You nodded, clearing your throat. "Can I get that drink?" 

Billy smiled softly at you. "What can I get you started with, Darlin?" 

You watched as he got to work on making the drink, his eyes straying back to you for a second.

"Can I ask you something?" you hummed.

"What do you want to know?"

You hesitated again, your head tipping to the side as you tried to find a nice way to phrase the question before releasing a deep sigh. "Why are guys such assholes?"

He released a snort of laughter as he placed the drink in front of you. "Some guys are idiots," he answered with a shrug. "Some are just willfully gross," he pressed on. "Some just don't know a good thing when they see it."

You nodded, drawing the drink towards you across the bar. "You know this was the third time I've been stood up since Christmas?" you uttered. 

"Shit; you've really been delivering into the idiot pool, huh?"

"Hey," you chastised lightly. "It's not like I asked them to stand me up-"

"I'm just saying, Sweetheart, no guy with even half a brain would cancel on a girl like you," he told you, shaking his head slightly. "I mean, come on, look at ya."

You frowned slightly. "A lot of guys just don't like heavier women-"

"A lot of guys are stupid," he interrupted. 

You rolled your eyes slightly. "So, you date bigger girls?"

"I date pretty girls; size doesn't make a difference," he confirmed. 

"That didn't really answer the question-"

"Yes, I've dated bigger girls." You nodded slightly, finally lifting your drink to take a sip. "God, If I wasn't working right now, I would've been over there hitting on you the second I saw you," he added, watching as your eyes widened, fighting to keep the drink in your mouth through your shock. 

"What?" you choked out. 

Billy snorted. "Don't play coy, Sweetheart. You're hot as fuck; any guy in here would be lucky if you gave them the time of day, I'm just a bit more forward than the guys watching you from a distance."

You glanced behind you, eyes running over the other patrons. "They're watching me?"

"Course they are," Billy hummed. "Like I said; hot as fuck." 

You swallowed, turning your attention back to him, finally letting your eyes linger on his. "You're an idiot."

"Then it seems like I'm just your type, huh?" he teased, drawing a sharp snort of laughter out of you. 

"God, you really are forward, aren't you?"

He shrugged slightly. "You don't get what you want if you don't ask for it," he confirmed. "So, how about it? You gonna let me take you out sometime?"

You hesitated for a moment, clearing your throat as you sat up. "Where are you taking me?"

"Wherever you want, Sweetheart," he hummed, grinning when you glanced away to disguise the bashful twist of your lips. 

"Sure, we can go out sometime."

He bit down on his bottom lip as he slid a fresh napkin towards you, snatching a pen from under the bar and tapping it lightly before handing it over. "Name and number," he hummed. 

You silently did as you were told, scratching out your details before sliding them back towards him. "Good enough?"

"Perfect," he told you softly, eyes running over the digits as if he was trying to memorise them, just in case. His eyes flickered up, his smile growing slightly. "Matches you, huh?"

"Idiot," you chuckled, taking another sip from your drink. 

"Yeah," he agreed softly. "Not as stupid as the others though, am I?"

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