Billy Hargrove X Reader - Tattoo

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Tattoo by Loreen (another certified Eurovision Banger for you to all enjoy.)  I hope you all enjoy it. 

Ever since you and Billy had started dating, barely three weeks after he had moved to Hawkins, you had made it pretty clear that you had your life planned out. You would be moving to California to attend Berkeley, a fact that he had been overwhelmingly pleased with. 

Billy had been waiting for his moment to move back to California since he'd first set foot out of state; Hell, the only thing stopping him from making an early run for it was you. 

He had been more than happy to follow along with whatever you had planned. After all, college had never really been on the cards for him. Sure, he could just about make passing grades in high school, but College would be something else entirely. And you were so bright that he was pretty sure you could get in anywhere you wanted. So, he'd agreed to move with you and try out whatever jobs he could find until something stuck.

And then, this morning, he'd been a little quiet when he'd picked you up to drive you to school. And he had been a little awkward when you'd tried to kiss him before heading off to class. And you had been questioning everything that had happened over the last week that could have set off his odd behaviour. 

It was ridiculous. Sure, Billy was prone to the odd mood swing, but he never completely iced you out like this. He was one of the most affectionate people you had ever met. And the longer you went without figuring it out, the more anxious you were getting. 

So, when he finally got in the car with you again that evening, you had been shifting uncomfortably, biting at the corner of your thumbnail and saying absolutely nothing. 

"Long day?"

You startled slightly when he caught your hand, lowering it away from your mouth and running his thumb over the sore skin at the edge of your nailbed. You quickly shook your head, pulling your hand back into your lap, watching as his brow furrowed. 

"Are you mad at me?"

You shook your head again, clearing your throat slightly and turning your head to look out of the passenger side window. 


"Are you mad at me?" you finally repeated back at him, taking a deep breath before shifting in your seat just enough to look at him properly. "You seemed so upset this morning, and-"

"I'm not mad," he interjected, holding his palm out flat, waiting for you to return your hand to his. When you did, his expression softened slightly, his fingers curling up through yours, giving them a quick, comforting squeeze. "I'm not mad at you," he repeated gently. "Just a little stuck in my head, you know?"

You hesitated for a moment, glancing down at your joined fingers. "What's on your mind?"

"I didn't want to do this here."


"My dad got a call from a scout," he uttered, his head falling back against his seat with a loud thud. 

Your brow furrowed slightly. "Baby, that's amazing-"

"I don't want to go," he added softly, letting his head fall sideways until he was looking straight at you, his jaw set tight. "The guy was from Georgetown; I can't move to Washington DC when you're going to Berkeley."

"But Georgetown has one of the best teams in the country," you reminded him softly. "You could go pro-"

"But I wouldn't be with you," he pressed on. "It's not like it's a couple hours drive, Baby. We're talking about the other side of the country here. And I'd always be training anyway, so I wouldn't be able to come and visit," he told you, shaking his head slightly. "I don't think I'd be able to go that long without seeing you; Hell, I can barely go a day without seeing you as it is, imagine going months at a time."

"Billy," you pressed. "I'm not letting you throw away a shot this big just to be closer to me."

His expression shifted, for just a second, pure fear painting its way across his features. "What?"

"I can study anywhere. And I've still got plenty of time to apply to Georgetown, right?" 


"California is great, but it'll still be there in 4 years. And it's not like I'd be changing my Major or anything; just where I sit the exams-"

"But you loved Berkeley," he murmured. "You've always said you wanted Berkeley, even before we met."

You shrugged slightly. "I made that plan before I met you," you agreed. "Priorities change," you added softly. "College is 4 years. I want you for the rest of my life."

Billy lifted his free hand, brushing his fingers over your jaw lightly. "You're sure?"

"Never been more certain about anything in my life," you hummed, turning your head to press a kiss to his palm. "Georgetown first; California second. Deal?"

He let out a soft snort at your question, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours. "Deal."

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