Eddie Munson X Reader - The Circle of Life

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song The Circle of Life from the movie The Lion King (You'll probably all realise very quickly that The Lion King is one of my favourite movies of all time.) This is set in the mid-90s when Reader and Eddie are both adults. I hope you all enjoy it. 

When Eddie had first suggested a date night to the theatre, you truly hadn't been expecting to be sitting watching a kids' movie. You'd thought maybe you'd be watching Speed or Forrest Gump, a film made for someone your age, but deep down, you really should have known better. Ed had always loved Disney movies. Hell, he'd lined up around the block to get tickets for Beauty and the Beast a couple of years back. He'd absolutely adored Alladin, singing the songs around the house non-stop after taking you to see it. He owned The Little Mermaid on VHS and had made sure to sit you down in front of it the moment you had told him you'd never seen it. 

Yeah, you wouldn't think it to look at him, but Eddie was a total Disney Animation nerd, and somehow, you'd still been a little shocked to find yourself sitting watching The Lion King in an almost empty theatre on a Friday night. But even you had to admit, that a couple of minutes in, you were totally hooked. The music was more powerful than you had been expecting, the vibrant colours on the screen drawing you in. 

As the movie went on, you were fixated, watching as the monkey character met the little lion cub, lifting him out of his mother's hold and presenting him to the animal kingdom for the first time. 

You heard a soft chuckle come from beside you, and suddenly, Eddie was leaning in. "I'm going to do this when the baby comes," he whispered to you, his hand lifting from its spot on your knee to touch your swollen stomach lightly. He turned to grin at you, only to find tears welling in your eyes, his expression dropping. "Baby?"

"Why would you bring me to watch this?" you murmured, keeping your voice as low as possible as you wiped away helpless tears. "It's so beautiful," you pressed on, all too aware of how your hormones had been wreaking havoc with your emotions since you'd gotten pregnant. 

"Oh Sweetheart," Eddie hummed softly, turning his hand over to capture yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. "We can go-"

You shook your head, taking in a shaking breath to calm yourself. "No, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

You nodded, clearing your throat and sniffling, your eyes still focused on the movie. 

When the movie had finished, Eddie had led you out of the theatre with your hand tightly clasped in his. "Did you like it?" he hummed, finally glancing back at you to find your eyes still damp and your cheeks tear-stained. 

"I loved it," you confessed quietly, your free hand dropping to touch your stomach. "Bean liked it too," you added, watching as Eddie's smile spread across his features. "Wouldn't stop kicking the entire movie. They're going to be a total nerd, just like their dad," you added, letting out a soft giggle when Eddie drew you closer by your hand, his arm draping around your shoulders and his lips pressing to the side of your head. 

"You're going to have to learn the words to that first song so that we can present the baby like that," he told you, grinning when you snorted with laughter. "Robin and Steve would think that was dope," he added. 

"Bet they'd make fun of you non-stop," you disagreed softly.

He shook his head. "They'll be too excited to meet the little one to make fun of me."

"Whatever you say, Baby," you hummed, letting him help you up into the van, leaning over you to do up your seatbelt. When he'd finished, he leaned up, pressing a kiss to your lips, his hand lingering on your stomach. 

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