Steve Harrington X Plussized!Reader - Fat Funny Friend

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Fat Funny Friend by Maddie Zahm. I'm writing this note before actually writing the chapter, but I fully intend this to be a bit of a tearjerker, so I'm sorry in advance.

You were pretty sure that if Chrissy hadn't insisted on you being by her side at any given moment, you would never have received an invite to hang out after the Basketball was finished. In fact, you were almost certain that none of the people in this room would even have known that you existed unless Chrissy had linked her arm through yours on the first day of kindergarten, dragged you over to her table and labelled you as her best friend. 

But here you were, in Benny's rundown old diner, your arms wrapped around your middle as you forced a laugh at whatever her stupid boyfriend was saying. You really couldn't see the appeal of Jason Carver, if you were honest. He was one of the cruellest people you had ever met, and if it wasn't for Chrissy, you would've had a target on your back the second he'd set eyes on you. But Chrissy loved him. And you loved Chrissy. So you put up with him the best you could, trying your hardest to bite your tongue and avoid putting a toe out of line and making yourself the butt of his next joke. 

"We're going to order pizza," Chrissy told you, linking her arm through yours with a bright grin. "You want something?"

"Of course she does," Jason interrupted, a small smirk pulling at his lips when you glanced in his direction for just a second. 

"No, I'm good," you hummed softly, prying Chrissy's grip off of you. "I'm not hungry," you added, offering up a small smile, trying your hardest to hide the way your stomach was tying itself up in knots. "I'm going to go and get some fresh air," you pressed on, finally getting her to release you entirely and heading straight for the door. 

As soon as you were outside, your smile disappeared entirely, a heavy sigh slipping out of you as you approached the handrail, leaning against it awkwardly. Yep, tonight was about as awful as you had assumed it would be. And it wasn't even like you could just head home, either. If Chrissy found out that you'd headed off on your own in the middle of the night, and she would never truly understand why you felt so shitty around these people she considered to be her friends. 

"You good?" a voice hummed behind you, causing you to jump, a soft yelp slipping out of you as you turned to find Steve leaning against the wall. "You're not going to puke, right? I'm not great with puke," he pressed on, brow furrowed in concern. 

"I'm not going to puke," you confirmed quietly, forcing a soft smile. "Sorry for interrupting you," you added softly, moving to go back inside.

"You're not interrupting," he started. "Just didn't like how crowded it was getting in there, you know?"

You hesitated for a moment. Sure, Steve seemed nice enough, and he was trying to engage you in conversation, but that didn't mean he was actually nice. After all, he was friends with those guys inside. The ones who made shitty comments whenever they thought you couldn't hear them. The ones who thought you having a crush on a guy was the funniest thing in the world because who would ever be delusional enough to think you liking them was a good thing-

"Or you can go back inside. No worries either way," Steve pressed on, interrupting your thoughts and smiling softly when you moved further away from the door, leaning against the rail, facing him. "Good choice," he chuckled, reaching down beside him to pick up his beer and taking a deep drink from it. "I'm not keeping you from some boyfriend who's going to come out here and beat me up, am I?"

You snorted at that comment. "Nope," you uttered, shaking your head in disbelief. "I sort of came with Chrissy. Kind of like the best friend in one of those shitty rom-coms, you know? They're only really there to support the lead and lighten the mood when things get a bit too serious."

"And none of the guys in there have tried to hit on you yet? That's stupid-"

"I doubt any of them would ever be interested," you murmured, your smile faltering for a moment. 

Steve's brow furrowed slightly. "Why not?"

You hesitated for a moment. "I don't think I'm their type."

"Nah, those guys go dumb when they see a pretty face. Bet they're all trying to find a way to ask you out."

You stayed silent, shaking your head. "That's not funny," you breathed out, looking so damn heartbroken that Steve's eyes widened in horror, his bottle slipping from his grip as he pushed off of the wall, straightening up as it shattered on the ground below him.

"Shit-" he uttered, shaking the droplets of beer from his shoes as you started moving towards the door, only stopping when he caught your arm. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you," he murmured. "I wasn't trying to be funny," he pressed on, loosening his grip on you when you finally looked back at him. 

"It's fine-"

"No, you're not," he breathed. "I wasn't trying to say something bad," he added. "I didn't mean-" he hesitated for a moment. "I don't actually know what I said to upset you, but I didn't mean to, I promise."

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip, your eyes lingering on his features for a moment. He truly did look pretty sad about upsetting you, and truthfully, more confused than you'd ever seen a guy look. "You weren't making fun of me?"

He shook his head. "No."


"Why would I make fun of you?"

You bit down on your bottom lip for a moment, trying your hardest to slow your racing mind. "Because everyone else does," you murmured. "Because to fucking Jason Carver, the idea of a guy liking me is one of the funniest things he's ever heard."

"Jason Carver is a total dumb ass," Steve breathed out. "I mean, I know it probably doesn't mean much, because I'm an idiot too, but I think you're beautiful."

"No, I'm not," you uttered, shaking your head in disbelief. "I'm fat-"

"So?" he interrupted you. 

You hesitated for a moment, staring straight at him. "What?"

"So what if you're fat? Being fat doesn't mean you aren't hot as hell," he pressed. "I mean, I think you're the most gorgeous person I've ever met."

You swallowed around the lump in your throat, trying to make sense of what he was telling you. "But-"

"But nothing," Steve interrupted again. "No one gets to decide whether I think you're beautiful or not, but me, and I do, so-" his words trailed off into a small shrug. 

"Oh," you murmured. "Well, thank you."

A small smile pulled at his lips, his head tipping to the side. "You're welcome," he told you softly. 

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