Eddie Munson X Hargrove!Reader - POV

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song POV by Ariana Grande. For this one, the reader is Billy's sister and Max's step-sister. I hope you all enjoy it. 

When you had first moved to Hawkin's, Eddie had thought it was impressive how different you were from your brother. Billy had become the newly crowned King of Hawkin's High within minutes of stepping foot in the halls. He was loud and aggressive and authoritarian in a way that kept everyone around him on a pretty tight leash. By all accounts, he was Eddie's idea of a walking nightmare. There was no doubt in his mind that Billy would make his life Hell at some point in the next year, it was only a matter of time. 

You, on the other hand, had slipped under the radar. You were quiet and gentle and probably one of the most agreeable people Eddie had ever had the pleasure of meeting. When you'd accidentally bumped into him in the halls, you'd been beyond apologetic, practically crying at the mere idea of someone being mad at you. And Eddie had taken to you in a matter of seconds. Not only were you the sweetest person going, but you were so pretty that it made his stomach do somersaults to just think about you ever thinking of him the way he thought about you. 

It hadn't taken long for you to find yourself spending time with Eddie, either. He had been kinder to you than anyone else at the school had been, treating you like you were the most incredible person he had ever met, even if it confused you every time he tried to compliment you. 

When he told you that you looked pretty with your hair up, you'd assumed he was teasing you, immediately pulling out the scrunchy and tucking it away in your backpack. When he told you that he liked your new shirt, you'd assumed he was making fun of you and had refused to wear it again, stashing it away in the back of your cupboard in the hopes of it never seeing the light of day again. 

It wasn't until he called you out for avoiding his compliments that you realised that he wasn't picking on you. Hell, you'd spent so long without hearing a genuine kind word that when he'd pointed out that he'd been trying to flirt with you, you'd burst into flustered tears, only truly calming when he was hugging you, your face pressed into his chest, your tears staining his shirt. 

"You know, I never thought I was the biggest catch," he joked gently, smiling softly down at you when you glanced up at him, confusion painting your features. "But I didn't think I was so bad that I would make a girl start crying when I told her I liked her."

After that, Eddie had made it his life's mission to show you how amazing you were. Hell, it's not like it was difficult either. You were constantly astounding him with your softness. And there wasn't ever a single moment when he stopped thinking you were the most gorgeous person alive. So, even though they often made you squirm, his compliments flowed almost unendingly. 

*Time Skip*

"You had one job," Neil roared, slamming his fist down onto the kitchen counter so hard that it made the room shake. "All you had to do was get Max to her dentist appointment."

"I'm sorry, I-"

"And yet you keep fucking up. I never ask anything of you and yet you insist on disappointing me time and time again."


"Stop fucking apologising," he yelled, glaring at you until you fell completely silent, tears prickling in your eyes. "Fuck up again and I'll make sure you regret it, do you understand?" 

"Yes, Sir," you breathed out, biting down on your bottom lip in an attempt to hold back the sobs building in your throat. 

"What was that?"

You swallowed down the lump in your throat. "Yes, Sir. It won't happen again, Sir."

He nodded slightly, his jaw still set tight. "It better not." He paused for a moment, still glaring in your direction. "Get out of my sight."

You hurried out of the kitchen after that, making a beeline for your bedroom and pressing the door closed quietly behind you, finally letting the tears flow as you pressed your forehead to the wooden panels. 

You hadn't expected to feel the arms wrapping around you, flinching slightly at the sudden contact until you heard Eddie's voice shushing you, turning your body around to face him and letting you press your face into his neck. 

"Did he touch you?" 

You shook your head, clutching at the front of Eddie's shirt to keep him close. Hell, he'd always been so protective of you that it was terrifying to think of how he would respond if he was ever allowed to treat your dad the way he wanted to. 

"He's an asshole," he pressed on, his voice a deep grumble. 

When Eddie had first heard one of Neil's tirades against Billy from the confines of your bedroom, he'd been horrified. Sure, his dad was a deadbeat, but even he had never acted the way Neil did. And Wayne was one of the most gentle people he'd ever met, he would never have dreamt of raising his voice at anyone the way your dad spoke to you. 

"Let's go to mine tonight," he hummed softly. "Watch a movie on the couch," he pressed on, pulling back just enough to see your tear-stained cheeks, your eyes all red and bloodshot. "Pretty Girl," he hummed again, brushing a thumb over your cheekbone to collect the few stray tears left on the skin. 

You nodded slightly, clearing your throat as you lifted your arms, scrubbing at your sore eyes with the sleeves of your shirt. 

"I'll meet you out at the van, alright?"

You nodded again, reluctantly releasing him so that you could do as he'd suggested. "I'll be 2 minutes."

"Okay," he hummed, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head before heading out of your window, giving you a final smile before heading down the road to collect the van. 

Honestly, you weren't sure what you'd done so right to end up with Eddie in your life. He blessed your life with a positivity that hadn't been there before you'd moved to Hawkins, and even on your toughest days, he was there to help you pick yourself back up, all whilst telling you that you were incredible. 

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