Eddie Munson X Reader - Beautiful Things

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A/N - Hello and welcome to this year's (pretty short) Valentine's Day Special! This time around, it's inspired by the song Beautiful Things by Benson Boone because it's so damn pretty and obviously, I had to write an aged-up Eddie and Reader as a married couple with kids because I adore it. I hope you all enjoy it! Happy Valentine's Day!

You looked so pretty like this; stretched out across the couch in the glow of the TV, your youngest daughter wrapped up in your arms, the eldest curled into your side, all three of you dozing quietly. It was like someone had looked into Eddie's mind and seen his dream life and then plucked it out and brought it into the real world for him. And, truly, that was exactly what you had done. The two of you had spent so much time talking about the family you would have and the home you would build, back when you were teenagers. And now, you had all of that and more. 

You stirred slightly when Eddie took a step further into the living room, a soft smile painting his lips when you blinked your eyes open, your expression softening when they landed on him. 

"Hi Princess," he hummed softly, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head, brushing his hand over the top of your daughter's hair, ruffling the locks slightly. "Long day, huh?"

You chuckled softly, shifting just enough to settle both girls onto the couch cushions and letting him lead you into the kitchen. "Uncle Wayne has this innate ability to wear them out that I've never been able to recreate on my own," you confessed quietly, pulling the fridge open and coming back with a beer for him. You handed it over, wrapping your arms around his middle as you went and letting him kiss you properly. 

"Pretty sure he just has them running laps around the trailer," he hummed. "Or he plays fetch with them or something," he pressed on. "God, we should probably be concerned about that, huh?" he added, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. 

"As long as he gets them sleeping like that, I don't care what methods he uses," you murmured, listening to the chuckle rumble out of Eddie's chest as you buried your nose into the crook of his neck. "Gives me more alone time with the love of my life," you added softly. 

"Yeah? He's a lucky guy."

You snorted slightly, pulling back to wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers tangle into the back of his hair. "Happy Valentine's Day," you hummed, pulling him down to kiss you. 

"Happy Valentine's, Baby," he breathed against your lips, knocking his nose lightly against yours before pulling back. "You want your gift?"

Your smile dropped in an instant. "We said we weren't doing gifts this year," you uttered. "I didn't get you anything-"

"You gave me my beautiful girls; pretty sure you won't need to get me another gift for the rest of my life-"

"Ed, I'm serious," you interjected. "We said no gifts," you pressed. 

He shrugged slightly. "I couldn't help myself, Princess. I saw it and just couldn't stop thinking how pretty you'd look in it," he hummed out, releasing you for just a second to dig in his battered work backpack, pulling out a little wrapped box. He placed it delicately in your hand, his thumb running gently over your skin. "Open it."

You hesitated for a moment, letting out a soft sigh before you caved. When you finally opened the box, your breath caught in your throat. It really was a very pretty necklace. You ran a finger over it. 

"It's a locket," he told you, reaching out to lift it from the box and gesturing you to turn around. You did as you were told, letting him fasten it around your neck. 

"It's pretty," you confessed quietly. 

He pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder, his arm wrapping around your middle. "Look inside."

Once again, you followed the instruction, opening the locket to find two pictures inside, one of each of your daughters, grinning out at you. 

"Oh Ed," you murmured softly, letting your free hand move to rest over his. "It's lovely," you pressed on. "But there's not enough space," you added, dragging his hand to rest it over your stomach. 

You heard his breath catch in his throat at your comment, his hand flexing over your stomach. "Are you joking?"

"Happy Valentine's Day," you chuckled softly. 

He had you facing him within a second, his lips pressing to yours in one of the most intensely loving kisses you had ever received. "Are you serious?" he murmured against your lips. "Are you pregnant?"

"I took a test last night," you confessed. "Actually, I took about three tests last night, to be sure."

"Holy shit," he chuckled softly. "I am so in love with you," he reminded you. 

"I love you too, Baby."

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