Billy Hargrove X Reader - Chelsea Dagger

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A/N - I was on a real Brit-pop kick today, so this was inspired by the song Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis. This is set a few years after Billy graduates from Hawkins High. I kind of hated this one, but I hope you all enjoy it. 

You'd basically been throwing yourself around on the dance floor, grinning wildly as you and Joanna moved to the music. Nights like these were always enough to leave you absolutely exhausted for a week, but they were some of the most fun that you could have in a small town like Hawkins. Your dancing faltered for a moment, dramatically fanning your face as Joanna snorted with laughter. 

"I'm going to get a drink," you called over the music, receiving a quick thumbs up before she was throwing herself back into her dancing, leaving you to chuckle to yourself as you pushed your way up to the bar. 

"Pretty girl," Steven called to you, immediately moving to serve you before the other girls along the bar. He'd always done it, fighting off the complaints of favouritism with some comment about how they would get served quicker if they were as sweet as you were, and then waving them off before falling into conversation with you. It was the benefit of having known him since you were tiny kids; the benefit of him being one of your best friends your entire life. "Billy Hargrove was asking me about you," he pressed on, leaning his elbows on the bar with a bright grin. "Wanted to know where he knew you from."

You raised an eyebrow, accepting the drink he had made for you and taking a tentative sip. "What did you tell him?"

"That you were as cool and mysterious as you look," he started, sending you a wink. "And that he should probably make a move before some other guy swoops in and steals you for the night-"

"Steven," you chastised quietly. 

He shrugged slightly. "He's hot. You're hot. You need to get out of whatever this dry spell is-"

"I am not in a dry spell," you uttered.

"When did you last sleep with someone?"

You remained silent, glaring playfully at him. 

"Okay. Well, when was the last time you dated someone?" he pressed on, watching as you folded your arms over your chest. 

"You make me sound like a total prude."

Steven held his hands up in surrender. "You don't have to go home with him, but if the rumours are true he'd make for some pretty decent flirting practice, and if things go well-"

"You're an ass-"

"Hi," a voice interrupted, and you swallowed down the lump in your throat as someone moved to lean against the bar beside you. 

You turned to look at him, your breath catching in your throat at the sight of him. Sure, he'd been cute in high school, but now, he was something else entirely. "Hi," you breathed out, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. 

"You looked like you were having fun out there," he pressed on, nodding towards where Joanna was still jumping around to the music. 

You hesitated for a moment, head tipping to the side as you considered your next move. After all, Steven was right, you really were in desperate need of some attention, however uneventful, and currently, he was watching you from the other end of the bar, grinning from ear to ear. 

You cleared your throat slightly, straightening up. "You were watching me?"

Billy's smile faltered slightly. "I- uh-"

"That's cute, Hargrove," you added, letting your tongue run delicately over your bottom lip. 

His brow furrowed slightly. "Do we know each other?"

You shrugged, smiling up at him. "You tell me."

"You know my name," he reminded you. "But I can't for the life of me remember yours."

You chuckled, a soft sound that made Billy's stomach erupt with butterflies. 

"Guess," you hummed.

He was grinning down at you now, putting on a show of thinking. "Is it as sweet as you look?"

You shook your head. "It's sharp as hell," you teased. "Sharp as a dagger," you repeated. 


You shrugged again. 

"You really aren't going to tell me?"

You shook your head, a small smirk pulling at the corners of your lips. 

"Well then, I guess you're going to have to go by Dagger then, aren't you?" he hummed. 

A soft chuckle fell out of you as you lifted your glass to your lips. "I can't believe you don't remember me," you murmured, taking a slow sip, your eyes still fixed on his. 

"Give me a hint," he pressed on, his elbow on the bar shifting a little closer to you. "I'm sure I wouldn't forget someone as hot as you."

"Not sure you would've thought I was hot back then," you hummed, dropping his eye contact for just a second, and looking up to find his brow furrowed in confusion. 

"Did you go to Hawkins High?" he started again, and then his eyes widened slightly. "Shit, of course, you did," he uttered, waving his hand as if he was trying to summon the memories from thin air. "You used to hang around with that kid that sold weed to everyone?"

You let out a snort of laughter. "Eddie? I wasn't friends with Eddie," you answered. "He probably thought I was a total loser," you pressed on. 

"So, you weren't one of the freaks?" he murmured, his eyes running over your features as he tried to place you. "Cheerleader?"

A proper laugh burst out of you at his question. "You're kidding, right? You saw me dancing? I've got like zero coordination."

"Band nerd?"



"Absolutely not."

He let out a soft sigh, biting down on the inside of his cheek as he continued to stare at you. "You're a mystery."

"You've just got a bad memory," you corrected. "Or at least, you have a bad memory when it comes to me. I wasn't exactly drawing in a hell of a lot of attention."

"Shy and retiring type, huh?" You nodded your answer. "So, what changed?" 

A shocked bubble of laughter slipped out of you. "Wow-"

"What? You're going to try and claim that the girl I saw out on the dancefloor is shy?"

You shrugged slightly. "I grew out of it." You hesitated for a moment. "Did you grow out of being a total douche?"

A soft chuckle escaped him, his tongue running over his bottom lip. "Yeah, I think I did."

"Good," you hummed. "Do you want to dance with me?"

Billy straightened up, offering you his hand as you downed the last of your drink. "Show me how shy you are," he teased, letting you lead him out onto the dance floor. 

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