Eddie Munson X Reader - High Enough

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song High Enough by K. Flay. For this one, reader is a member of Corroded Coffin. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You nodded along as the boys played the notes you'd been working on for the last couple of weeks, your eyes roaming over the group as they focused on their instruments. You'd been a little reluctant when they'd suggested turning one of your little scrawled-down lyrics into a song, but the second they'd started making up tunes between them, you'd been sold. 

Of course, you'd refused to show them anything you'd been working on until you'd perfected them, giving them a rough estimate to work with rather than anything real. But right now, they were clueless to the fact that you'd finished the writing last night, that you'd already put the finishing touches on the words you'd been imagining for weeks. 

Your eyes flickered over to Eddie, watching as his head popped up to send you a covert smile after he felt your gaze lingering on him. The two of you had agreed when you'd first expressed an interest in dating one another that you'd keep it under covers. That meant no PDA in front of the boys. No pet names. No longing stares across Garrett's garage whilst you had band practice. But it was clearly getting a lot harder than either of you had been expecting. 

"When will we be getting our first glimpse of the lyrics?" Jeff started, startling you out of your daze as you glanced over at him with your brow furrowed. "We've got the song down now," he explained. "We just need to put your bit in and then we can add it to the set."

You cleared your throat slightly. "We could try it out now," you hummed, pushing yourself out of the lawn chair you'd been occupying for the last half hour, stretching your limbs out as you wandered over to your backpack, retrieving your notebook. "Just go easy on me, alright?"

There was a murmur of agreement as they all readied themselves, and then they were playing the opening notes and you were moving up to the mic.

"I don't like anyone better than you, it's true. I'd crawl a mile in a desolate place with the snakes, just for you. Oh, I'm an animal. Hand me a tramadol. Gimme the juice. You are my citadel. You are my wishing well. My baby blue." 

You ran your tongue over your bottom lip as you moved up closer to the mic, your hand wrapping around it.

"I used to like liquor to get me inspired but you look so beautiful, my new supplier. I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking, but I found a different buzz. The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it. I know they got pills that can help you forget it. They bottle it, call it medicine, but I don't need drugs."

You pulled back slightly, pausing for just a second before launching into the chorus. 

"Cause I'm already high enough. You got me, you got me good. I'm already high enough. I only, I only, I only got eyes for you." 

You risked a glance over at Eddie for a moment, watching as his eyes darted up to you, causing him to hit a bum note in the middle of the song, and drawing a smile onto your lips. There was no doubting that he was completely infatuated with you and there wasn't a single part of you that didn't love him back. But God, not being able to express that openly was going to be the death of you soon. 

"Do you see anyone other than me? Baby please," you started again, smirking slightly as you pulled your eyes away from Eddie, all too aware of how much he enjoyed watching the performer come out when you sang. "I'll take a hit of whatever you got; maybe two; maybe three. Oh, you're phenomenal. Feel like a domino; fall to my knees. I am a malady. You are my galaxy. My sweet relief."

As you pressed on through the bridge and into the chorus, you could feel Eddie still watching you, hitting off notes from time to time as he fixated on your every word. 

"Don't try to give me cold water; I don't want to sober up. All I see are tomorrows. Oh, the stars were made for us."

As the song came to a close, the room fell silent, the boys all hesitating until you turned to face them all properly. 

"What do you think?" 

Garrett snorted. "Who's the lucky guy, huh?"

"There is no guy. It isn't about anyone-"

"Baby, that was incredible," Eddie uttered, interrupting you before you could finish your protest and watching as you shot him a shocked, wide-eyed look. "Come on, it's been months, Baby," he pressed. "And I'm finding it really hard staying quiet about how fucking in love with you I am."

"Eddie," you chastised quietly.

There was a moment of silence as Jeff reached behind him, rummaging in his backpack for his wallet and producing a crisp $5, holding it out towards Garrett. 

"I told you," Garrett snorted, snatching the money from your friend's hand with a bright grin. 

"You guys were betting on us getting together?"

Jeff shook his head slightly. "Oh, no. We already knew you were together. We were betting on how long it would take you guys to quit hiding that you were together." He shrugged slightly. "If you'd waited another week, I would've won. I might have even shared my winnings-"

You were just about to make some snarky comment about how wrong it was for your friends to be profiteering off of your love life when you felt Eddie's hand touch your hip lightly, twisting you around to face him. 

"I liked your song, Pretty Girl," he hummed, head tipping to the side as he smiled at you. "Was it about anyone in particular?"

A soft sigh slipped out of you as you held back a dramatic eye roll. "Idiot," you uttered quietly, leaning into his touch as he wrapped his arms around you. 

"I don't like anyone better than you either, Baby," he told you, craning his neck to kiss you quickly and nudging your nose with his as he retreated. "God, I love you so much," he pressed on, smirking when a small, reluctant smile pulled at the corner of your lips. 

"You really liked the song?"

He nodded slightly, the two of you completely blocking out the bickering going on behind you as the guys debated the technicalities of their bet. "Loved it," he corrected quietly. "Gonna love hearing it every time we're on stage, too."

You hesitated for a moment, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "I love you, Ed."

"I know you do, Baby," he hummed softly, drawing you into another quick kiss. "Love you too."

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