Eddie Munson X Reader - Forever and Always

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Forever and Always by Parachute. It's set at the end of season 4 but with a different twist to how it finished. I hope you all enjoy it as there is probably going to be a part 2 at some point.

Sidenote: Sorry for being so absent recently, I've been super busy, which is also why you're getting an overwhelming amount of Eddie chapters at the moment, as he seems to be the only character that I have no writer's block for. 

You had been waiting for Eddie to show up at your door for almost a week now. At first, you'd been pretty angry that he hadn't come straight to you when he'd found himself on Hawkin's most wanted list. You'd been frustrated that he'd left you in the dark. But as the days had passed, the anger had faded into something a little harder to handle. The longer Eddie was missing, the more the fear had grown. 

Sure, everyone in town suspected that Eddie was involved in what had happened to Chrissy, but deep down, you knew he wasn't capable of doing what had happened to her. You'd read the details in the paper, heard about them on the news, you knew what had been done. But shit, Eddie could barely handle seeing a paper cut, let alone inflict that sort of damage on someone so sweet and innocent. 

No, Eddie couldn't have done it, but whoever, or whatever had hurt Chrissy was probably still out there, and until you set eyes on your boyfriend yourself, you would have the anxiety settling in your chest, worrying that he could be hurt, or God forbid dead, out in the woods somewhere.

You'd spent most of the time since he'd been gone sitting on the couch, at an equidistance between the landline and the front door, waiting for Eddie to reach out to you, hoping that he would. 

And right now was no different. You were tapping your toe against the wooden floor impatiently, the sound echoing around the otherwise silent lounge. God, you probably hadn't let your shoulders relax down from their tense position since the moment you'd heard about Chrissy, and you'd barely slept in days.

But, just as you were considering letting yourself rest, letting yourself turn in for the night now that the sun had set, your eyelids drooping ever so slightly, the phone let out a shrill ring, sending you bolt upright. You scrambled off of the couch and across the room to the landline, tearing it from the receiver and holding it to your ear. 


"Hello, Mrs Munson?"

Your brow furrowed slightly. I mean, sure, you and Eddie had talked about marriage before, hell, you were technically engaged about three times over, but you'd not tied the not yet; you were sure you would've remembered that little detail. 

"Who is this?" you murmured, still completely lost and a little frustrated that they were holding up the phone line when they didn't even know your real name.

"Mrs Munson, my name is Clara; I'm a nurse at Hawkin's Memorial Hospital. Your husband was brought in this evening; he was in an accident." There was a pause as your voice caught in your throat. "He came around a little while back and he was asking me to call you; he wants you to come in and visit with him."

You nodded to yourself, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "Right," you breathed out, glancing down at your sweatpants, already on their 4th wear, and Eddie's old Hellfire shirt that you'd stolen from the pile of dirty laundry he'd left on your bedroom floor a few weeks back. "I'll be right there."

The nurse had rattled off a bunch of instructions on how to find the ward before letting you hang up, leaving you to dart out of the door, clutching your keys tightly in your hand as you went. 

*Time Skip*

The nurse had offered you a small smile when you'd approached the front desk, introducing yourself as Mrs Munson and letting her lead you down a hallway, trying your hardest to listen to what she was telling you whilst your mind was doing cartwheels. By the sounds of it, Eddie had been pretty beat up when he'd been brought in by one of his friends, and he'd been down to surgery to repair a tear in his abdomen, but he was awake now, and practically begging for someone to call you. 

"His friend?" you murmured, a little confused. The Hellfire boys would've known to call you the second they'd found Eddie. They would've called the house. They knew your number by heart at this point. There was no way that they would've left you in the dark like that-

"Y/N," a voice interrupted, and your head turned away from the nurse to find two people that you had been pretty sure hadn't known you existed until right this second. "I'm sorry, we tried to find your number in the phonebook," Steve pressed on. 

"It wasn't until Eddie woke up that we realised we'd spelt your name wrong," Robin interjected. 

You nodded, slowly trying to figure out whether you were actually dreaming right now. Eddie had never been friends with Steve Harrington. Hell, he basically detested the guy. But here he was, being called Eddie's friend; trying to call you; clearly worried. This seemed so unusual. 

"He's right through here," the nurse interrupted, her hand landing lightly on your elbow, likely sensing your hesitation. As she pushed the door open, she moved you with her. "Eddie, you've got a visitor," she called into the room, moving out of the way to reveal him, looking worse for wear in the hospital bed. 

His body seemed to relax when his eyes landed on you, a half smile pulling at the corner of his lips, fighting through the grimace that had been there before. "Hey Baby," he uttered, reaching out his hand in your direction, beckoning you towards him. 

You quickly crossed the space, gripping his hand lightly in yours, trying your hardest not to restrain yourself, even though all you wanted to do was wrap him up in your arms and never let go. 

"What happened?" you murmured, drawing his hand up to your mouth and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. 

Eddie craned his neck to the side, checking that the nurse had closed the door when she'd left. "You're not going to believe the week I've had," he hummed, letting out a soft, teasing laugh before wincing at the pain that shot through his stomach. "Shit," he breathed out. "That stings," he added softly, squeezing your hand lightly, though you were sure whether it was to comfort you or himself. 


"It was like something out of one of those crazy sci-fi novels you read, Babe. I was in this alternate version of Hawkins; Steve calls it the Upside Down-"

"Those pain meds they've got you on are strong, huh?" you interjected, brows knitted together. 

"I'm not kidding," he uttered. "There are monsters in Hawkins and one of them killed Chrissy-"

You nodded slightly, clearing your throat. "And they did that to you?" you murmured, gesturing at the bandages wrapped around his stomach. 

"Yeah, they did a real number on me, Sweetheart. No more baby-soft skin for you to fondle when we're snuggling on the couch," he hummed. "It's going to be a real mess now."

You hesitated for a moment. "It's part of you, though," you started softly. "So I'll probably still want to fondle it," you pressed on, drawing another soft snort of laughter out of him, leaving him whining in pain. "So," you murmured again. "I'm your wife now, huh?"

Eddie nodded slightly, linking his fingers through yours. "Yeah, that was Steve's idea. Said that when he got beat up a couple of years back, they wouldn't let anyone in except parents or spouses. Wouldn't let Nance visit, even though they were dating-" He paused for a moment, catching his breath. "Not that I'm complaining, of course. You'll be my wife soon enough, right? Might as well get used to calling you it."

"Right," you agreed softly, drawing his hand up again, pressing another kiss to his knuckles. 

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